This PB is clean and in good overall cosmetic and working condition.

- 100GB 5400 RPM hard drive
- 1.0GB RAM
- SuperDrive (can be a little finicky at times and may take 2-3 tries
before it accepts a blank disc)
- Bluetooth
- Modem
- Backlit keyboard
- Linksys WPC54G wireless PCMCIA card (recognized as AirPort Extreme card,
no drivers needed; built-in AirPort Extreme on logic board went bad)
- Battery only holds a very little charge
- Original OS X 10.3 system installed (discs not included)
- Includes aftermarket 65W AC adapter

The screen is very good with no dead pixels and hinges are tight. Top
case/palmrest/keyboard is in excellent cosmetic condition. Three rubber
feet are missing, outer case has some light scratches from normal use and
there¹s a slight ding at the DC-in port (connector is solid and works
perfectly) but no major case dents.

Other than the original AirPort Extreme connection going bad, this PB
works perfectly in all other aspects and with the included Linksys WiFi
card. One weird thing, though, is the serial # doesn¹t show up in Apple
System Profiler. After googling it, I believe it¹s because the logic board
was replaced.

Asking $140 with free shipping to any US address. Paypal preferred. Can
provide pics. Contact me with any questions. Thanks!

Will Wallak
Camillus, NY 13031

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