I have my iPhone 4 16GB black GSM that is currently locked by AT&T. But I've 
already requested the unlock code from AT&T and I've gotten the email 
confirming that I'm eligible and that I should receive it soon. (Not to be 
confused with the email stating that my request was received).

Running OS6.. The unit is in good condition. The back of the phone has been 
replaced with a tribute to Steve Jobs. It's the one with his face/head 
silhouetted inside an apple.

What you'll get:
(1) Original Box
(1) iPhone 4 16GB (Black)
(1) 6' USB/Dock Cable
(1) Wall Adapter
(1) Original Apple Charging Dock

I'll be removing the SIM card...

Known Issues:
It has 2 scuff marks on the left side. 1 on the top and 1 on the bottom.
On the right side of the screen, it has yellow spots. Not sure why or how.
It does NOT affect the function of the phone and is hardly noticeable.

I'm asking $250 shipped from
Mike Lias
Huntington Park, CA 90255

Pics available to those interested...

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