Hi list,

I am selling my Mophie SpacePack memory/power case for iPhone 5 and 5S. 

The case provides 1700mAh of power which, according to Mophie, should give you 
about one full charge on your phone. It also provides 16GB of storage that is 
accessible via Mophie’s “Space” app. The app features a music player, video 
player, photo viewer and “file viewer” which gives you access to any file type 
that iOS can natively display. The app supports “Open With” to load content 
from other apps onto the flash as well.

You can load content into the 16GB of flash, as well as charge both your phone 
and the battery in the case, via the MicroUSB port.

The case is glossy white and is in like-new condition. I have used it for only 
a few days and found that I don’t like the bulk it adds to my phone. 

It will ship in original box with all original materials. I will fully charge 
the case battery and erase the flash memory prior to shipping so it will be 
ready to use immediately when you get it!

These sell brand new for $149 on Amazon. How does $119 OBO shipped sound? 
PayPal payment preferred.


Flint Million
Mankato, MN 56001

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