Hello All;

I have been cleaning out the basement and updating some networking and have a 
couple of things to get rid of.

1.  Time Capsule Model Number A1355.  1 Terrabyte of storage, 802.11n.  Works 
fine and has been reset to factory settings.  (I updated and took this out of 
service.) Here are the specs: AirPort Time Capsule 802.11n (3rd Generation) - 
Technical Specifications 
How about 65.00 plus actual shipping?

2.  Airport Express Base Station Model number A1084.  This also works fine, but 
it is a little tricky to set up as you need a computer with an older operating 
system.  I used one with 10.4.  Works fine.  802.11g.  Here are specs:  AirPort 
Express - Technical Specifications 
How about 10.00 plus actual shipping?

3.  Airport extreme Base Station model number A1143.  This does not work and I 
have not had time to work on it.  It turns on and only flashes amber.  I cannot 
connect to it wirelessly, but the ethernet ports seem to work fine.  If you 
know anything about these, it might be and easy fix.
Here are the specs: AirPort Express 802.11n (2nd Generation) - Technical 
How about 10.00 plus actual shipping on this also.

I have a 100% rating on eBay (over 1700 transactions)

I will consider offers and prices are not set.
If you have any questions shoot me an e-mail.


Jeff Marsh
Zeeland, MI 49464

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