Greetings all,
Before I retired from my university, I was able to rescue this unit .

It is a perfectly fine Mac Pro, early 2009 (family 4,1). the specifications 
can be found here:

The unit is, as indicated, a Quad-core 2.66GHz unit, has 14 GB RAM, and two 
SATA 7200 rpm hard drives, both SMART-verified - the boot drive is an 
Apple-specific 640 GB, and an additional 200 GB Western Digital hd was 
added. Video is the stock Nvidia GeForce GT 120 (512 Mb VRAM) that supports 
dual DVI. Also included is a Sonnet PCI-E USB expansion card that adds an 
additional 5 ports of USB.
Also installed are two DVD-R+- optical drives. All accoutrements (wireless, 
E-Net, BT, native ports, etc.) appear to be completely functional. The unit 
responded to a clean install of Yosemite, and will be sent to the new owner 
with 10.5.5 pre-installed so that performance integrity can be verified. I 
am in hopes of finding the OeM install discs, but I make no guarantee on 
that point.

The unit is in excellent condition, and will be shipped with its original 
power cord, aluminum extended keyboard and Mighty Mouse (wired), both also 
in excellent condition. All will be shipped in its OEM retail box with OEM 
foam liners plus additional packing protection.

Shipping is anticipated to be high, so in response, I will attempt to keep 
the price down for you - asking $200 (OBO) plus actual shipping costs from 
Ft. Wayne, IN 46807 - pickup is, of course, available for those in the area.

Thank you very much for reading.
Best regards,
Dana (Collins, Ft. Wayne, IN 46807)

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