Greetings all,
I have an item that just may appeal to those of us into being collectors.

I have a Powerbook 540C in generally excellent condition: it boots fine, 
can read floppies, projects a generally good image (see below for caveat), 
has a functioning power adapter, and AFAIK, all ports are functional - 
certainly for sure, the SCSI port and DIN ports are functional, as I used 
them for running a CD-ROM drive and Apple mouse. Both speakers are 
responsive as is the internal microphone.
Here are the specs as posted at EveryMac:

As best as I can remember, it has a 320 Mb hard drive, at least 16 Mb of 
RAM (it "may" actually have as much as 32Mb, but not sure) and is 
comfortably running OS 8.1. There are no batteries in the unit - I received 
it with empty bays - I tracked down to dead modules and harvested the 
covers from them and affixed them to the openings, so at least the unit 
"looks" completely enclosed.

A while back I intended on trading/swapping this unit for an updated 
iPhone, but during the testing process discovered that the unit does suffer 
from one flaw:
the video color tends to be squirrelly, with not enough green, rendering 
the overall color a tad blue or purple-y - this color can sometimes be 
corrected via the Brightness and Contrast controls once the unit is warmed 
up, but sometimes not - I believe the culprit is a failing flex display 
cable-if you can hunt one down, repair should not be too difficult. At 
first, I had success, by removing the hinge clutch cover and re-seating the 
flex cable's connection to the motherboard port (but no longer) - as a 
result a couple of the tiny tabs on the cover sadly broke off, and the 
cover now sits sort of precariously on the unit body - 
NOTE: it would be safe to presume that if left unattended, this issue will 
likely grow worse with age, until the flex cable fails completely.

Everything else on this unit performs as expected, and you can actually use 
it for viable productivity, if you wish - photos and videos of performance 
are available on request.

I usually like to sell items that are fully-functional, and eschew any 
commerce dealing with units that I know are going to be a headache in any 
way for the new owner. For this reason, I am willing to give this 540C away 
for FREE, presuming you are willing to pay the shipping costs (from Ft. 
Wayne, IN 46807) and are prepared to deal with the listed issue(s).

Included with the 540C will be an external CD-ROM drive (Apple-ROMMed, 4x 
iirc), appropriate cables and terminator included, OEM power adapter, an 
Apple external microphone, and an Apple mouse (the original square-isa 

Again, free, for actual shipping costs, which due to weight and proper 
packing, may be as high as $50, but the cost will be actual, *not* 
artificially inflated! Pickup is of course available for local members.

So sorry for the long read - thank you so much for the consideration.

Dana (Collins, Ft. Wayne, IN 46807)

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