[Where's the IMC when you need them?"?  - Macdonald]

AP. 23 September 2001. New War Likely to Be Less Visible.

WASHINGTON -- They are known as the quiet soldiers, slipping behind
enemy lines with machine guns, rifles and anti-tank weapons. The United
States is likely to rely on special forces to uproot terrorists, and
that means a partly secret war.

Americans saw much of the Gulf War on television. They watched bombs
strike Iraqi targets on video replayed so often it began to resemble a
computer game.

The new fight against terrorists might not be as open.

"It may include dramatic strikes visible on TV and covert operations --
secret even in success," President Bush said.

Operations like those mounted by special forces are played out in the

It is not even clear that operations in which troops might be killed
will be disclosed, at least right away, said Edward Turzanski, a
national security analyst at LaSalle University.

"Where it's a broader use of force, you'll know about it," he said. "But
when we're using special forces, there will be no indication that that's
the case."

Added retired Army Brig. Gen. David Grange, a former member of the
military's special forces: "We keep a low profile. On a lot of missions,
you can't say anything."

Some special forces' missions during the Gulf War remain classified,
said Grange, a former Green Beret and veteran of the Army's
counterterrrorist unit.

Retired Army Special Forces Maj. Andy Messing, who spent much of his
career in Central America, said:

"You need people who can confront the ugly, bad, nasty people. That's
the kind of person you have to have to guard at the gates of democracy."

Macdonald Stainsby
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