Reuters; AP. 14 Septemeber 2001. Various stories, combined and edited.

TEHRAN, JERUSALEM, GAZA and CAIRO -- Iran's Foreign Minister Kamal
Kharrazi accused Israel of exploiting the terror attacks in the United
States to try to further complicate the volatile situation in the
region, state television reported on Friday.

"Even as all Muslim countries have condemned this incident, Israel is
unfortunately after provocative measures," it reported Kharrazi as
saying in a telephone conversation with his Austrian counterpart Benita
Ferrero-Waldner on Thursday.

"The situation in the region is very complicated and difficult. Israel's
actions could leave a negative impact in Muslim countries," he said,
urging the world community to contain Israel.

"This incident is worrisome for everyone. All Muslims condemn the
attacks," Ayatollah  Mohammad Emami-Kashani said during Friday prayers
in Tehran. "But the attacks are becoming an excuse for Israel to make
martyrs of the Palestinians and target Islam," he added.

"The world should mobilize to prevent these attacks. If we are to fight
terrorism, we will have to remove the conditions which breed it," the
ayatollah said. "Israel is the foremost terrorist state which fosters

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon instructed Foreign
Minister Shimon Peres on Friday to cancel plans to hold truce talks with
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on Sunday, a senior Israeli
political source said.

"Sharon told Peres not to meet Arafat on Sunday because the timing of
the talks would hurt Israel," the source said, apparently referring to
Tuesday's terror attacks in the United States and Sharon's biting
comments the next day about Arafat.

"He (Arafat) is like (Osama) bin Laden, bin Laden also has a coalition
of terror...But the difference is that Arafat still has a choice, he can
still make a switch," government spokesman Raanan Gissin quoted Sharon
as telling Secretary of State Colin Powell by telephone on Wednesday.

While world attention focused on events in the United States, fresh
violence erupted in the Gaza Strip.

In Gaza's Nusairat refugee camp, more than 2,000 supporters of the
militant Hamas group took part in an anti-Israel rally. Holding aloft
pictures of Mohammed Ihbeishi, the first Arab-Israeli suicide bomber,
they called on Arafat to spurn talks with Israel and warned of further

A Gaza cleric, Abu Abdullah, told thousands of Muslim worshippers
attending prayers that the United States was responsible for causing the
"severe frustration" that led attackers to strike in New York and

"America supports the injustice and spreads it among the weak people
that leads to such malice," he said.

A senior official of the Islamist militant group Hamas, echoing calls by
Taliban clerics in Afghanistan, urged Muslims on Friday to unite against
any U.S. retaliation for the terror  attacks in New York and Washington.

"I join the cause for Muslims to be united in order to deter the United
States from launching war against Muslims in Afghanistan," the Hamas
official, Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi, said in response to the calls by
clerics in Kabul.

"It is impossible for Muslims to stand handcuffed and blindfolded while
other Muslims, their brothers, are being attacked. The Muslim world
should stand up against the American threats which are fed by the Jews,"
Rantissi told Reuters.

Taliban clerics used Friday prayers to urge Muslims around the world to
unite against the United States if it attacked Afghanistan, and
threatened revenge "by other means" in the event of such attacks.

In Beirut a man giving his name as Hussein said Israel had killed
thousands of Arabs and Muslims over the years "but we haven't seen the
United States move at any stop Israel."

Now the United States wants Muslims to join it in fighting Muslim
Afghanistan "for the sake of one terrorist who does not speak in the
name of Arabs or Muslims," he said.

In Iraq, the preacher at Imam Al-Azam Mosque in Baghdad criticized those
people who sympathized with the U.S. victims.

"Have you heard about the hypocrites and the dissemblers who are
shedding tears over the tyrants whose hands are stained with the blood
of our people, women and children?" the preacher said during his sermon,
which was broadcast live on Iraqi television.

20-year-old engineering student, Ahmed Adel said: "The attacks in the
United states are the right thing to do. If anyone had asked me to do
this myself, I would have done it, and I support whoever did this."

Adel added that since "Arabs can't wage a war against Israel or the
United States because they are powerful countries, we are forced to
this. Suicide operations are the right thing to do."

Macdonald Stainsby
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