I watched in stunned silence yesterday as all of this occurred. All the other
political debates seems so distant. They seem so irrelevant.

Of course, it needs to be said that not only am I personally repulsed by all
this, not only do I not support this I know no one who does, nor would such an
act be even entertained as a notion in the minds of those I work with, love and
respect for their principled opposition to Imperialism and the blood drenched,
viciousness of our current society.  Nothing of this act resonates with what I
love about humanity, what it is I find so irreplaceable in surrounding myself
with the warmth and the laughter of human beings. That, in the final analysis is
what motivates the good people- and I hope to count myself among these- to
resist the butchers who run the world today. However, another thing happens to
the mind.

When I look at the images of the tortured burnt out villages of the Vietnamese
people, the victims of the Al-Amiriya Shelter in Iraq or the cluster bombs
dropped on Belgrade, I feel a strong, deep and passionate hate. An utter
contempt for the very evil our own leaders do- across both sides of the 49th
parallel- and do it in our names. This is not politics as such, this is
humanity. My total love for people is why such a vicious burning guttural hate
swells up in me.  I know all of you who love the people of the whole planet know
that desperate hate feeling. So, it is that part of me that hates as a reaction
to what happens to the entire world that pauses for a brief section- less than
2% perhaps- of what I am and thought- no one ever need go through this, but by
God we have been begging for this for centuries. On some level, it is only
something like this which can wake North Americans to a permanent crisis, built
up by our "leaders". Imperialism is the mother and the midwife simultaneously on
this. We are also to blame- for as our governments rain death on the heads of
our friends we have not stopped them.

I want to try to bring this into some sense by way of personal observation. Last
night, I had the chace to go to the Colleges' "welcome back" barbecue- cheap
beer and free veggie burgers provided by the student union. I had tried to avoid
people for three days. The whole thing had me angry at the edge of my toes-
because of the rankest racism I was hearing. I, like everyone else there, was
talking about nothing else. The thing was, my fears and my hopes were coming to
light. I watched a young woman, a pacifist- be followed around by an angry
lunatic who wanted everyone in his earshot to hear him denounce her as trying to
justify what happened. What she had done was explain the IMF/WB and their role
in the 3rd world. The fanaticism has begun. Also, there were a large number of
people who said they thought America deserved it- and that this was something
that should have happened sooner. So the lessons have been learned as well.

Many people admire the dedication and military brilliance pulled off here. A
startling comment which makes me wonder if it because these images look like a
movie or if they genuinely thought it was done well.

Something strange happened. When I got there- anything I said on the matter was
preceded by a long disclaimer- distancing myself from such tactics. The more
beer I had, the more I pointed to the obvious: why should we stop because it
happens to the US? What about the people they kill every damn day? Then I would
suggest that at least this will bring the racist scum bags in our neighbourhoods
out, so we know who they are. I really tested it by saying that perhaps a people
who leech of the rest of the world - settle for imperialist structures with
something as simple as a Nike shoe as the payoff- perhaps these people
(including us) don't deserve to live in peace, or at least that they have had a
totally free ride for far too long.

The more blunt the statement, the more respect it got. Friends, these 10 000
people appear to have been the price I could never call- a price paid to wake up
North America to just how vicious reality is. This is reality. This is what our
fair leaders produce the way they run the world.  I am not prepared to die for
Chase Manhattan- I am prepared to die fighting it.

A simple reality: what this is- let there be no shirking from it- will not
decrease at all until we do our God-damned historic mission and over throw the
bastards in the Pentagon and not just fly planes of civilians into them.

Lay the blame at three levels: One, callous and misdirected human disregard for
fellow humans. What motivated them was the largest culprit: Death to
Imperialism. The final push, the third reason? The callousness with which we
have ignored the rest of the worlds' pleas for centuries.

Dear North America:

I, like you, have been crying. I am typing while the tears dry on my cheeks. I
am typing so as to make sure the lesson of all this horror, this carnage- that
it is not lost.

For years we have been the few who sat on top of the rest of the world. We have
allowed- by our inactions in learning the true terror that our rulers perpetuate
on the rest of the world. Those terrors are not false, they are not superfluous-
and they are not to be looked at lightly.  They are to be understood as similar-
except they aren't even shocking for the victims any longer. The world order
imposed by the Bastards in Washington- and the people they truly serve- are the
real architects of this tragedy. Do not look to the man who speaks with an
accent in your local corner store. Do not look, as David Letterman says, to the
Cab driver. Do not look to any of these people. They are the victims of these

This whole god-damned mess is spawned by the fact we put up with "leaders" who
kill 50 000 a day in hunger. A people who have done this crime a dozen times
this very year in Iraq.

Listen, and listen carefully: Now you know. Now you know the pain of
Imperialism. Now you get it. Malcolm X was right. This is the Imperialist
Chicken coming right home to roost.

Macdonald Stainsby
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In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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