I have done a lot of surfing around and I receive some 200 mails a day these
days. Things are not normal. They never will be again. We live in a VERY new
world. I expect that certain personalities would probably not want to think this
one through. It hurts to think about the implications of what I am about to say.
But get that "sigh" mentality out. We need thinking here. If we can't tell why,
we won't know why what's next. And nothing else matters right now. So be

The United States has told us, simply, that the action carried out in last
Tuesday is already over- as far as their "investigation" is concerned. This
list- as well as all the others- has fallen silent on how the actions of three
planes have pushed us to the very edge of a very real global fascist order. What
I see happen in the looks on the faces of people when I suggest that this
military action was carried out by someone other than those in charge is a smile
like they just drifted off into a trip on some fancy prozac. If it is online, we
get the most disgustingly dismissive posts. Who the fuck are we, people? Who do
we trust? Why? Why on earth do we believe a god-damned thing any of these
ass-holes has to say?

They tell me that they know how many people did this already.
I don't believe them.
They tell me a plane can fly for nearly an hour towards the capitol of America
after a previous attack.
I don't believe them.
They want me to think "evidence" includes an Arabic language flight manual.
I don't believe them.
I could go on and on. It's not worth it. But we should be a little less serious
in our denunciations of those who try and shed some light- or alternative
theories- on this.
My fellow leftists say this is of no use to the US government.
I am disgusted by this. This is the simplest greatest coup to happen to American
Imperial rule. I have no evidence that they did this, but I cannot dismiss that
possibility- because all of the counter evidence comes from the fucking FBI!

Are we not paying attention? The American public has been marched
into -pseudo-fascism. Bourgeois democracy is being given a major innoculation
here. It is being given a quiet euthanasia. Donald Rumsfeld said- with a
straight face and no opposition- that American people will "of course"
understand that the evidence against the terrorists needs to be kept classified
on this matter, so the investigation isn't compromised.

 Fuck you, I say. I don't trust you. I never did, and I certainly do not trust
these people with anything they do to restrict civil rights. These are not
people we have any business trusting on *anything*. We almost all believe that
we know what really happened to JFK. We know the ripple effect, we know what it
really meant. This is much the same.

Why- do we all go into such hysterics over trying to point out how they are
turning this into a massive PR Coup- ratcheting up war mongering and lock step
"good citizens" all over the place? What are we doing following them?

WHY on EARTH are any of those of us who contest the honesty and the line- which
is not solid, not by a long shot is their story air tight- why is that
considered and treated as "nutty"? What is nutty is simple. This "of course"
attitude towards what the FBI is saying.

Here are some of the benefits to this for the people who run the world:

1) Anti-globalisation has been attacked for the last two months with a different
tone to it in the major media. The complaint has been that the demonstrators
were winning hearts all too often, that too many people were thinking nasty
things about Wall Street. That is clearly over now. There will NOT be another
group of large meetings. The CSIS (Canadian CIA, roughly speaking) has already
sent out members to "chat" with anti-globalisation activists and native
activists in Vancouver.

2) State of Emergency has been declared, and open endedly so. Across the First
World a police presence has been massively increased, and even the SkyTrain
public transit is obsessively covered in cops. The entire city of Vancouver
feels like an occupied territory. I am NOT simply stating that this is
over-kill: this feels deliberate, it feels like we are living in a Reichstag
fire. I expect my and my comrades are all going to have our "chats" soon.

3) In Canada, I am currently half-listening to a Parliamentary Debate in the
background. They are debating Bill C-16- an "anti-terrorism" bill- this will
destroy our few remaining rights as well.

4) The US has a carte blache to re-occupy the entire Mid- East oilfields. If we
accept that capitalism is addicted to oil and that America needs it- we can
certainly see them needing a Reichstag fire style reason to shut up any
homegrown dissent. This is likely the swan song of Saddam Hussein. This is
definitely going to be the end of even more Afghanistani people and the country
is almost certainly to be occupied and a scorched earth policy set up. This list
of "possible countries" of "terrorism" today included an editorial that involved
Cuba as a possible target (of course for terrorist harbouring). If not now, then
when? What will it take for we first world radicals to get off our fucking
theoretical asses and speak? Who will say these monsters ARE capable of this?

5) As you read this, get that stupid half-smirk off your face, one and all. It
behooves you to be serious and think this through. How would the ruling class
not be able to go through a cost benefit analysis on this one, if we can? They
can see that this means the entire world order falls behind America in a way
*that nothing else would*. This solves many problems and the reccession that we
are expecting is *more* reason, not less. Blame terrorism for investor fear. Use
terrorism as the reason to clamp down the same day that everything starts to
fall. Perhaps the powers that be (I am deliberately avoiding the word
"government" here) realise just how vicious the upcoming downturn is going to
be. Perhaps we Left- the world over- are the target.

All this from Osama bin Laden?

Congress signed over $40 billion dollars. This is opportunistic, yes- but how
much so?

I don't believe them. They are not credible. This is not a credible story. We
are sounding more and more like we don't want to "sound funny" and less like
people who are getting beyond the revolutionary chic aspects- there is a lot of
theatre critic crap right now passing as revolutionary analysis. And if that is
all you can do these days, perhaps you should consider getting out of the way.
That's not a threat nor a demand, just a call for you to pause, step back and

Israel can now destroy what is left of the West Bank. No one is going to stop
them. This means American foreign policy changes back into offensive throughout
the whole region. The region will most likely be occupied by the US directly.
Are we clear on this yet? The whole region. The media, ever compliant in doling
out the fear of terror to produce real fascism, are now threatening us with
Nukes. Half hour debates are showing up between "experts" on whether or not to
burn everyone, or to nuke them outright. George W Bush, if anyone cares, is not
in control. There is no executive control here. That seems fairly clear, but no
one seems to want to deal with that. Perhaps that is because no one likes to
think how much control intellegence really has in North America. It destroys
much of our own long standing analysis, doesn't it? It mangles how we want to
view our struggles in the future doesn't it? Get used to it.

The implications are more than most "rational" leftys want to deal with. Better
to dismiss (conspiracy theory- those two words are so gross, so dismissive and
so beneath us) than to think it through. Because the point would be, naturally,
that we are required to give up our whole system of analysis. Think about this:
Is there anything in the human mind that one could dream up that would
resuscitate the American lock step attitiude bettern than this, were it an
operation? Think a year from now. Think about your place in the world. Think of
the advance for Imperialism this represents.

Meanwhile, the few people here in North America who will oppose this- and we'd
better- can now be swept up. Be no joke, this will happen. As some of us in
Vancouver had an emergency meeting, we decided (among much else) to carry out
petitioning- and to do that with groups of some size for protection. The caravan
to oppose the blockade of Iraq has been cancelled (it was to cross both

These are but the tips of the tip of the iceberg.

I don't trust them. This is too serious to leave out entire swaths of analysis
"in order to avoid alienating people". I don't think, as Jared does- that this
is directed at the Former Soviet Union. Personally, I think this is directed at
all of us. Everyone from North to South. We need to act, and research.

That means all this yap about "don't go there", don't think about that, etc...
That is verging on criminal. I am simply a 26 year old student who identifies
nothing more important than to destroy imperialism and capitalism. I am not a
research expert. I cannt believe these bastards. Those who have more experience,
can do research better than I, yet volunteer their heads to be sunk into the
sand- grow up! and fast.

Buying the FBI on this is not good enough. They are NEVER forthright, they NEVER
tell the truth- and this time they want the whole world, including domestically
in North America- and to use the Arab phrase "don't watch their mouths, watch
their hands" is considered irrational? Who are you? What are you saying? That
you aren't comfortable. That's just too bad, isn't it?

Macdonald Stainsby
Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.
Leninist-International: Building bridges in the tradition of V.I. Lenin.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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