Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [L-I] Leftists and their touching faith

> I think that we buy into Bush's crap when we say things like "nothing will be
> the same".  That just isn't true.  Lets not buy into hysteria.

What I mean is that we will never have a political situation like that of last
Monday. There is no returning to a situation where this giant yet utterly naïve
political movement (anti globalisation) can grope slowly upwards, towards lord
knows where- the ones who are going to panic have already wilted beneath the
pressure. So, i that sense, no- normal is gone.

 True that
> many working class folks have lost a loved one and security will be tighter.
> What will change is:
> we must fight  harder to keep our civil rights,
> our anti-government terrorism work will get harder,
> we must do a better job of exposing the US CIA, FBI, military, and the
> mulitnationals.
the last point includes trying to determine the culprits of this, despite how it
is utterly impossible to imagine they will ever admit what is/has happened.

> What should not change:
> we must keep fighting to get out our unelected president,
> we must keep fighting to hold Bush, Sr., Kissinger, etc for their terrorism
> and genocide.
I think worrying about Bushie is pointless. He isnt in charge- he never really
was, but far less so now.


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