I think we should all pause to remember that there  are TWO conspiracy
theories being discussed here, and one of them originates with the FBI! What
would (will) our attitude be if the spooks discover "proof of Cuban
complicity" in the attacks? Would we not demand proof?Would we not challenge
their credibility? This is not a far-fetched hypothesis;Cuba has appeared on
a number of media lists of "terrorist-friendly" countries in the past few
days, and I suggest that if they feel strong enough to do Cuba, they
will.This is an illustration of why I think we must, for ourselves, consider
the Reichtag fire scenario.If we have uncritically committed ourselves to
the conviction that this was done by Islamist terror,we risk being caught
flat-footed by the scope of the fascist wish-list that they may, in fact, be
considering, and testing, as we speak. I have seen no-one on this list
suggesting that this should be our message to the people....Our task is
clear enough for the moment, namely to convince the people to reject a war
of revenge, to defend our Arab brothers and sisters and all people of colour
against racist attacks, and to defend what remains of our civil rights.
But,we had damned-well better be turning over in our minds the possibility
that we are not dealing with a shocked,humiliated and frightened enemy, but
rather one with the will, vision,and cold-blooded determination to cash in
on their global military supremacy NOW!     Bob Enoch

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