'Osama has bases in the Balkans'

ELGRADE: The prime suspect in the September 11 attacks against the World
Trade Center and Pentagon, Saudi-born Islamic extremist Osama Bin Laden, has
bases in the Balkans, Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihailovic said on

"Bin Laden's organisation has two bases in Bosnia-Hercegovina, two in
Kosovo, and is also present in Albania," Mihailovic was quoted by the
independent Beta news agency as saying.
Serbia's interior ministry had "a good deal of information on the
activities" in the Balkans "of the world's best known promoter of
terrorism," Mihailovic added.

"We know who is at the head of the branches of bin Laden's worldwide
organisation, which is also present in Macedonia," he said. But Tirana
denied having links to terrorism, with the chief of police in the Albanian
capital, Bilbil Mema, stating that "Albania no longer harbours Islamist

A spokesman for the Bosnian government denied allegations in the country's
media that bin Laden holds a Bosnian passport. Four hundred nationals of
Islamic countries carry Bosnian passports, but a spokesman for Sarajevo,
Amer Kapetanovic, said categorically that "Ossama bin Laden does not."

Meanwhile, Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic met with US State
Department officials visiting Belgrade on Tuesday and said that Serbia
"knows the catastrophic consequences of terrorism" and was prepared to offer
the United States "all the help necessary" to fight against it.

Yugoslav Interior Minister Zoran Zivkovic told B92 radio station that the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia could pass on information gathered by
intelligence services to the United States to help track down those
responsible for the September 11 attacks.

"There is no reason for us to keep what we know for ourselves, if indeed we
hold information about anyone who could be involved in the attacks,"
Zinkovic said, cautiously adding that he believed intelligence services in
Bosnia-Hercegovina and Europe "know more than we do."
( AFP )

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