AP. 25 September 2001. Man Convicted for Terrorism Remarks.

CLERMONT-FERRAND -- A court in central France has sentenced a
23-year-old man to six months in jail for insulting police officers with
remarks that made light of the recent terrorist attacks in the United

Nordine Disman was also sentenced Monday by a three-judge panel in the
central French city of Clermont-Ferrand for for property damage.

Under questioning by officers on Friday, Disman yelled "Long live bin
Laden" and said "Planes should also crash in France."

"These insults are addressed at all of us," government prosecutor
Colette Perrin said.

Police were questioning Disman, who was intoxicated, about allegations
by security guards at a supermarket that he had overturned a stack of
champagne bottles, said his attorney, Josette Dupoux.

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Barry Stoller

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