Hey , what's up laflame.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/27/01 03:24PM >>>
as a source of valuable info from people of good-will.   But did you ever
wonder why even the worst imperialist fringe on the Right, like the one I
believe now has all of the world holding their breathes in fear, never call
themselves the Attila the Hun guys?  I think you could put across the best
ideas of Lenin, or Warren Beatty, or whatever, if we dropped these old
buzz-words.  Maybe the Left should be calling for checks and balances on
steroids and throw in some critical analysis about so-called communism that
the masses can understand, at the same time pointing out that a public
company that has to show profit GROWTH every qtr, ain't the best way to
handle health care, day-care, air-port security, and many other things.
Otherwise you're alway preaching to the choir.  Abuse of power should be the
enemy.  Commonsense, compassion and marketing, the goal.  Tax-payer
subsidies to big bidness should be a mantra.  I think I just saw the meager
pension and health benifits I was hoping to get slimly by on, in about 15
years, just paid for those nice outfits those progressive-looking Pakistani
woman are wearing in today's NYT's

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