Just finished reading WOMEN AT WORK IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE by Madelaine Pelner 
Cosman, who is a professor of legal history.  (Published by Facts On File, 
Inc., 11 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001.)  Her research has shown that woman 
entered trades, ran guilds, worked as apprentices, masters in trade, doctors, 
authors, eye surgeons etc. This aparently was common in the middle ages.  
Proof of this are the family names of Baxter (female professional baker), 
Wester (female professional weaver) etc.  But the main proof is many court 
cases involving women professionals in European records.
Why do many folks have the impression that woman were only wives or servants? 
 Revisionist history often by male scholars in Vicotorian times.  This is a 
refreshing book that states that facts and gives women back their history.  
Good bilbiolography.  

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