AP; Reuters (with additional material by Ananova). 26 December 2001.

Al-Jazeera TV Airs Bin Laden Tape Condemning United States; Bin Laden
Says Crusader West Loathes Islam.

CAIRO -- A Qatar-based television station aired a videotape Wednesday of
Osama bin Laden, whose statements indicated he was speaking in the first
half of December.

The chief editor of Al-Jazeera, Ibrahim Hilal, said his station received
the tape "a couple days ago" by an air courier service from Pakistan.
The sender was anonymous, he said.

Hilal said the entire tape runs 33 minutes and will be shown on
Al-Jazeera on Thursday. Only a few minutes was shown on the Wednesday
night news. The last tape of bin Laden the station aired was on Nov. 3.

Bin Laden, who is speaking in front of a brown backdrop, a gun propped
up beside him, also refers to the bombing of a mosque in Khost,
Afghanistan, saying it happened "several days" before.

"All that you hear about mistaken strikes is a lie and a sheer lie," bin
Laden said. "Several days ago, they bombed as, they claimed, 'positions
of a Taliban base in Khost' and sent a missile to a mosque and said it
was a mistake and after investigation
it was clear that some religious scholars were praying."

Bin Laden appeared stiff as he spoke. Though left-handed, he gestured
only with his right, keeping the left still.

"It is quite clear now that the West, generally speaking, and in
particular America, has an indescribable hatred of Islam," he said. "The
people who have lived the last months under the continual American air
strikes, they know that very well. Many villages were wiped out for no
crime and many millions were displaced in this cold weather."

Bin Laden also condemned the United States as a nation that speaks about
humanity and freedom but that commits crimes against millions of

"Our terrorism against America is a good terrorism to stop the oppressor
from commiting unjust acts and to stop America supporting Israel, which
is killing our children."

He said he was speaking "three months after the blessed attack against
international infidels and its leaders, the United States, and two
months after the beginning of the vicious aggression against Islam."

He accused the West of double standards in the bombing offensive against
Afghanistan's erstwhile rulers, the Taliban, and its attacks on his al
Qaeda network.

"When the youths detonated (bombs) in Nairobi of less than two tons,
America said that this was a terrorist strike and that this was a weapon
of mass destruction, but it has used two bombs, each weighing seven
tons, and it is not ashamed of that."

"It is their right to annihilate people as long as they are Muslims and
not Americans. This is a crime of its clearest form," he declared.

Bin Laden said Washington had attacked Afghanistan on mere suspicion of

"How many (Afghan) villages were annihilated without committing any
crime? How many, if we calculate, millions of people were made homeless
during the biting cold, and how many of these oppressed men, women and
children are now sheltering in tents in Pakistan?"

"They have not committed any crime. America launched this campaign based
on a suspicion."

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