let me try a definition of 'terrorism' which places the notion out of
interests (a la "your terrorist is my liberation fighter").How about
terrorism by what the word implicates? A 'terrorist' act is hence one the
prime aim of which is psychological in that it is not in the first place
at the destruction of the material means of the enemy but at the distruction
his morals. In this sence the suicide bombers in Palestine who blow up
civilians are terrorists while the Fedayin who fought against armed forces
Israel (both army, police and settlers) were none although their actions had
psychological impact as well.In the same sence the sending of tanks against
German army in WW2 was not terrorism but bombing the civilian population of
Dresden was. It seems to me that in present day wars there is always an
of terrorism, and of cource the USA are the worlds terrorist #1 (don't
Hieroshima and Nagasaki). It should be obvious that terrorism in general is
against the interest of the working class, in particular since it denies the
class its own activities and makes it wait for the heroic selfsacrifying
comradely,        A. Holberg


miychi schrieb:
> On 2002.04.03 08:13 AM, "Seyed Javad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What is terror? What is terrorism? Who is a terrorist? These and many such
> questions have been in one
> Clausewitz define that war is continuance of politics. If so, in may be
> possible to say that terrorism is continuance of war.
> In 9-11. I was asked how about it? I answered Very welcome. I can't never
> forget Palestine children ware delighted by terrorist attack
>  news. Although if Laden is merchant of terrorism, I welcomed. In current
> situation, especially Mid-East crisis, are there meaning of distinction
> between terrorism and war or other forms of armed struggle such as Colombia
> or Nepal rebel?
> In 9-11, I thought US suffer for its massive global terrorism, for example,
> Korea war, Vietnam war, intervention to Chili coup d'etat,
> Intervention to Nicaraguan revolution, El-salvador, Gulf war ,Kosovo, Afghan
> war ,intervention to Phillipine, Colombia,etc.
> US is in reality top of terrorist country, but Bush declare war against
> terrorism,it is highly ridiculous.
> Against Global credit capital system, wide range of social movement
> develops. In the process violent, radical,armed, movement may happen. I
> think that we may not better determine in advance form of tactics,or
> movement. If determined, people's power can't appear fully, in contrary
> restricted. Forms of struggle are many. For example Jihad is religious forms
> of global class struggle and Jihad admit terrorism. Who can accuse this?
> Psychiatric Department
> Komaki municipal hosipital
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Comrade A.Wasni
I understand your argument. but it remains some questions.
Italian psychiatrist Basaglia said that the personal is the political.
I modify it as that the personal is the social.
you mention that suicide bomber is terrorist,but if he lack alternaitve
option, can you accuse him?i can't. On the contrary, each time sucide
bombing occurs, more anger against Israel and US happens do my anger hurt
class struggle?in Pro-Vietnam war, many buddhist monks suicided by burning
himself. Their action facilitated Vietnam people's resistance. can you
accuse them? Probably in desperate situation and no altenative option, they
must express their anger and desperation in personal style. But its personal
exprssion is not merely personal rather concentareted personal expression of
social anger. And social anger is source of possible power of class
sturggle. Why can you easily distinguish sucide bomber from Fedein? I can't
In sum what is criteria of terrorism you define? I want to ask again

Psychiatric Department
Komaki municiapal hospital

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