This is not the definition of terrorism that I was taught when I became a 
Terrorists do not trust the masses and have few ties to them.  So they do not 
attempt education of the masses or appeal to their sense of justice.  
Terrorists aim too randomly to discourage their true enemies.  Hundreds of 
janitors and food service workers were killed in the 9-11 events but Bush, 
Sharon, Cheney, etc., are alive and now more powerful than ever.  If the aim 
was justice for Islamics in Palestine or elsewhere, then the goal was not 
reached.  Human rights activists such as myself had to work even harder to 
show ignorant American Christians that Middle Easterners and followers of 
Islam are people with rights.  My mom asked, why do they hate us so much?  
So, terrorists convinced my retired mom, who has always been poor, that they 
hate her.  
Contrast that with what we did in Seattle; large numbers of working people 
were mobilized.  We had educational forums on health care here and around the 
world.  Steel Workers put on forums on globalization.  We discouraged the 
meeting of a globalization group.  We forged at least a temporary alliance 
between labor and environmentalists.  The crowd was mixed race (though not 
enough) and mixed age.  The youth realized that civil rights are only those 
rights that you fight for.  Terrorists believe that revolutionary change 
comes from too random violence.  How many Irish families were freed by 
blowing up postal customers in England?

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