For one day, if only for a moment, it feels ever clearer that there is a point
in resistance. Viva Chávez, and may the Bolivarian Republic grow strong and old
with the people themselves.

We are all Bolivarists today!

BBC. 14 April 2002. Chavez returns to power.

CARACAS -- Venezuela's ousted President Hugo Chavez has made a dramatic
return to power, two days after being forced out by the country's

He formally resumed his presidential powers in a televised ceremony at
the Miraflores presidential palace in the capital, Caracas

The smiling Mr Chavez raised his fist in jubilation as he moved through
crowds of supporters into the Miraflores palace.

"Venezuela would not tolerate an autocracy," Mr Chavez said, once inside
the palace.

After being formally reinstated, Mr Chavez made an emotional televised
address, thanking his supporters and appealing for calm.

Thousands of supporters sang the national anthem and set off fireworks,
while a military band played.

"Today we are celebrating a new democracy," said one man who grabbed a
microphone to greet Mr Chavez.

An unemployed man, wearing a tattered shirt, said: "The people want him
back. He works for the poor."

Macdonald Stainsby

"They are all Enron, we are all Argentina"
    --WEF protesters.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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