Le Monde diplomatique


   August 2002


                     Venezuela's press power

    Never even in Latin American history has the media been so
     directly involved in a political coup. Venezuela's 'hate
   media' controls 95% of the airwaves and has a near-monopoly
     over newsprint, and it played a major part in the failed
    attempt to overthrow the president, Hugo Chávez, in April.
     Although tensions in the country could easily spill into
   civil war, the media is still directly encouraging dissident
   elements to overthrow the democratically elected president -
                      if necessary by force.

                                             by MAURICE LEMOINE

     "We had a deadly weapon: the media. And now that I have
     the opportunity, let me congratulate you." In Caracas, on
     11 April 2002, just a few hours before the temporary
     overthrow of Venezuela's president, Hugo Chávez,
     Vice-Admiral Victor Ramírez Pérez congratulated
     journalist Ibéyiste Pacheco live on Venevision
     television. Twenty minutes earlier, when Pacheco had
     begun to interview a group of rebel officers, she could
     not resist admitting, conspiratorially, that she had long
     had a special relationship with them.

     At the same time, in a live interview from Madrid,
     another journalist, Patricia Poleo, also seemed well
     informed about the likely future development of
     "spontaneous events". She announced on the Spanish
     channel TVE: "I believe the next president is going to be
     Pedro Carmona." Chávez, holed up in the presidential
     palace, was still refusing to step down.

     After Chávez came to power in 1998, the five main
     privately owned channels - Venevisión, Radio Caracas
     Televisión (RCTV), Globovisión and CMT - and nine of the
     10 major national newspapers, including El Universal, El
     Nacional, Tal Cual, El Impulso, El Nuevo País, and El
     Mundo, have taken over the role of the traditional
     political parties, which were damaged by the president's
     electoral victories. Their monopoly on information has
     put them in a strong position. They give the opposition
     support, only rarely reporting government statements and
     never mentioning its large majority, despite that
     majority's confirmation at the ballot box. They have
     always described the working class districts as a red
     zone inhabited by dangerous classes of ignorant people
     and delinquents. No doubt considering them unphotogenic,
     they ignore working class leaders and organisations.

     Their investigations, interviews and commentaries all
     pursue the same objective: to undermine the legitimacy of
     the government and to destroy the president's popular
     support. "In aesthetic terms, this revolutionary
     government is a cesspit," was the delicate phrase used by
     the evening paper Tal Cual. Its editor, Teodoro Petkoff,
     is a keen opponent of Chávez. Petkoff is a former Marxist
     guerrilla who became a neo-liberal and a
     pro-privatisation minister in the government of rightwing
     president Rafael Caldera. The Chávez government is not,
     of course, above criticism. It makes mistakes, and the
     civilian and military personnel who surround it are
     tainted by corruption. But the government was
     democratically elected and still has the backing of the
     majority. It can also be credited with successes,
     nationally and internationally.

     When it comes to discrediting Chávez, anything goes.
     There was a scandal in Caracas in March when a faked
     interview with Ignacio Ramonet, the director of Le Monde
     diplomatique, was circulated. In a statement alleged to
     have been made to Emiliano Payares Gúzman, a Mexican
     researcher at Princeton University, Ramonet was supposed
     to have said: "Chávez lacks a respectable intellectual
     corpus, and that is why his ship is always off course.
     When he won the elections, it seemed to me that he had
     something about him. But populism won out, as so often
     happens in such cases. I have seen videos in which he
     sings boleros while setting out his economic programme,
     if indeed he has one. I think those true and verifiable
     facts speak for themselves, I don't need to voice my
     opinion of somebody like that."

     Venezuela Analítica
     (1) immediately posted the "statement" on the web,
     without checking on its authenticity, and it then became
     headline news in El Nacional. The paper was delighted to
     give credence to the idea of Chávez being isolated
     internationally, and made no attempt to check with the
     supposed interviewee. When Ramonet denied having made the
     statement, El Nacional rounded on the hoaxer (2) and,
     less overtly, without even apologising, on Ramonet.

     The "information" that has been published has verged on
     the surreal. For example, "sources from the intelligence
     services have uncovered agreements entered into with
     elements linked to Hezbollah on the Venezuelan island of
     Margarita, who are controlled by the Iranian embassy. You
     will remember that when Chávez was campaigning, a certain
     Moukhdad was extremely generous. That debt had to be
     repaid, and now Iran is to make Venezuela an operational
     base, in exchange for training Venezuelans in Iranian
     organisations for the defence of the Islamic Revolution.
     Terrorism is in our midst" (3).

     On 21 March El Nacional ran the headline: "Hugo Chávez
     admits to being the head of a criminal network." Next day
     Tal Cual referred to "the feeling of nausea provoked by
     the aggressive words he uses to try to frighten
     Venezuelans". The president was insulted, compared with
     Idi Amin, Mussolini or Hitler, called a fascist, dictator
     or tyrant, and subjected to a spate of attacks. In any
     other country actions would have been brought for libel.
     "An ongoing and disrespectful attack," was how the
     minister of trade, Adina Bastidas, put it. "They accuse
     me of funding the planting of bombs in the streets. And I
     cannot defend myself. If you attack them, they complain
     to the United States!"

     Chávez responded to this media bombardment, sometimes
     using strong language, especially during his weekly
     broadcast Aló presidente! on the only state-controlled
     television channel. But his regime in no way resembles a
     dictatorship, and his diatribes have not been followed by
     measures to control the flow of information. Since Chávez
     took office, not a single journalist has been imprisoned,
     and the government has not shut down any media. Yet it is
     accused of "flouting freedom of information" and of
     "attacking social communicators".

                         'Tell the truth'

     On 7 January a group of the president's supporters
     besieged the offices of El Nacional chanting hostile
     slogans. Shouting "tell the truth!", they hurled objects
     at the building. The number of attacks on journalists is
     increasing, according to Carlos Correa, general
     coordinator of Provea (4), an organisation for the
     defence of human rights, and they are being criminalised.
     "Although there have been no deaths, the situation is
     serious. Since the media bosses decided to oppose Chávez
     politically, it is no longer possible to have a
     reasonable discussion about the country's problems. But
     to claim there is no freedom of expression is

     "You read the newspapers, you watch the TV news and you
     have the impression that the country is gripped by
     conflict," says Jesuit Father Francisco José Virtuoso
     sadly. "Naturally that all adds to the tension." The
     popular majority is striking back in this war in which it
     is the target, no longer prepared to tolerate journalists
     who consider themselves above the law or the
     anti-democratic control of information.

     Incidents are on the increase. The official agency
     Venpres described three media personalities as
     "narcojournalists"; the journalists in question - Ibéyise
     Pacheco (editor of Así es la noticia, a member of the El
     Nacional group), Patricia Poleo and television presenter
     José Domingo Blanco (Globovisión) - decided to make
     capital out of the accusations. After condemning their
     "persecution" in front of the cameras at the US embassy,
     they left for Washington, where they got a heroic
     welcome. The Venpres article, signed by a J Valeverde
     (5), was repudiated by President Chávez and condemned by
     the defence minister, José Vicente Rangel; it led to the
     censure and resignation of the director of Venpres, Oscar
     Navas. But that did not halt a campaign, in Venezuela and
     abroad, against a government accused of "muzzling the

     The media has proved adept at using the self-fulfilling
     prophecy - both in relation to government supporters and
     the government. By protesting about infringements of
     liberty, when under no threat, and using lies and
     manipulation, the media provoked a reaction, sometimes
     inciting its victims to do wrong. Those misdeeds were
     then portrayed as the cause (and not the consequence) of
     the media's unhappy relationship with the government and
     much of the population.

     We must condemn the attacks by the president's supporters
     on television units or journalists. But how could those
     supporters tolerate always being described as "Taliban"
     or as "villains"? We should protest when journalists,
     even if they are aggressive and completely identified
     with the oligarchy, are described as "narcojournalists".
     But those journalists had themselves bombarded the
     president with false accusations and portrayed him as the
     accomplice of Colombian "narcoguerrillas".

     Led by men of influence and top journalists, the media is
     taking over from other players in the process of
     destabilisation: Pedro Carmona's employers' association
     (Fedecámaras), Carlos Ortega's Confederation of
     Venezuelan Workers, dissident members of the military,
     the technocrats of the national oil company (PDVSA) and a
     few discreet US officials (6). United in the Venezuelan
     Press Bloc (BPV), the media finally showed its hand when
     it joined in the first general strike on 10 December


     "Free" opinions published in print -"Time for a change of
     government" or "Time to overthrow this government" (7) -
     were reinforced by dubious manipulation of the broadcast
     media. On 5 April two TV presenters gave their own
     commentary on a strike of petrol stations that was linked
     to the PDVSA conflict: "Have you remembered to fill up?
     Hurry, because tomorrow there won't be a drop left in the
     country." By encouraging motorists to rush out to buy
     petrol, they provoked unnecessary chaos, though the
     strike was only partial and the stations were still
     receiving supplies.

     On 7 April Ortega and Carmona announced that there was to
     be a general strike. The editor of El Nacional, Miguel
     Enrique Otero, stood shoulder to shoulder with them and
     spoke on behalf of the press: "We are all involved in
     this struggle in defence of the right to information."
     Two days later the BPV, which had just been visited by
     the new US ambassador, Charles Shapiro, decided to back
     the strike. From then on the television companies
     broadcast live from the headquarters of the PDVSA-Chuao,
     the designated assembly point for opposition

     "Take to the streets" thundered El Nacional on 10 April
     (in an unattributed editorial). "Ni un paso atrás! (not
     one step backwards)" responded the hoardings on
     Globovisión. Another TV company broadcast: "Venezuelans,
     take to the streets on Thursday 11 April at 10am. Bring
     your flags. For freedom and democracy. Venezuela will not
     surrender. No one will defeat us." The call to overthrow
     the head of state became so obvious that the government
     applied Article 192 of the telecommunications law. More
     than 30 times -for all television and radio channels - it
     requisitioned 15-20 minutes' air time to broadcast its
     views. But the broadcasters divided the screen in two and
     continued to urge rebellion.

     On 11 April military and civilian press conferences
     calling for the president's resignation marked the next
     phase. On RCTV, Ortega called on the opposition to march
     on Miraflores (the presidential palace). At about 4pm,
     when the scale of the conspiracy was apparent, the
     authorities gave the order to block the frequencies used
     by the private channels. Globovisión, CMT and Televen
     went off air for a few moments before resuming their
     broadcasts using satellite or cable. All screens
     broadcast an image that had been edited to show armed
     counter-demonstrators firing on "the crowd of peaceful
     demonstrators". As a result the Bolivarian Circles, the
     social organisation of Chávez supporters, were blamed for
     deaths and injuries (8).

     The conspirators, including Carmona, met at the offices
     of Venevisión. They stayed until 2am to prepare "the next
     stage", along with Rafael Poleo (owner of El Nuevo Pais)
     and Gustavo Cisneros, a key figure in the coup. Cisneros,
     a multimillionaire of Cuban origin and the owner of
     Venevisión, runs a media empire - Organización Diego
     Cisneros. It has 70 outlets in 39 countries (9). Cisneros
     is a friend of George Bush senior: they play golf
     together and in 2001 the former US president holidayed in
     Cisneros's Venezuelan property. Both are keen on the
     privatisation of the PDVSA (10). Otto Reich, US assistant
     secretary of state for Interamerican affairs, admits to
     having spoken with Cisneros that night (11).

     At 4am on 12 April, to avoid bloodshed, Chávez allowed
     himself to be arrested and taken to the distant island of
     Orchila. Without presenting any document signed by Chávez
     to confirm the news, the media chorused his
     "resignation". The boss of the bosses, Carmona,
     proclaimed himself president and dissolved all of the
     constituent, legitimate and democratic bodies. Venezolana
     de Televisión, the only means of communication available
     to the government, was the first broadcaster forced to
     shut down when Carmona took power (12).

                        Ready for the coup

     The press greeted the coup (though they censored any use
     of that word) with undisguised enthusiasm. And for good
     reason. Interviewing Admiral Carlos Molina Tamayo and
     Victor Manuel García, director of statistical institute
     Ceca, at 6.45am, presenter Napoleón Bravo boasted that he
     had allowed his own house to be used to record a call to
     rebellion by General González González. García described
     his role at the dissident military centre of operations
     at Fort Tiuna: "We were short of communications
     facilities, and I have to thank the press for their
     solidarity and cooperation in helping us to establish
     communications with the outside world and pass on the
     instructions that General González González gave me."

     "One step forward" was the triumphant headline in El
     Universal. Journalist Rafael Poleo, who had filed the
     account of the first meeting of the rebel leaders, took
     responsibility (with others) for the document setting up
     the new government. During the afternoon "President"
     Carmona offered Poleo's daughter, Patricia, the post of
     head of the central information bureau. The decree
     establishing a dictatorship was countersigned by the
     employers, the church and the representatives of a pseudo
     "civil society", and also by Miguel Angel Martínez, on
     behalf of the media. Daniel Romero, private secretary of
     the former social-democrat president Carlos Andrés Pérez,
     and an employee of the Cisneros group, read it out.

     The desire for revenge provoked repression. The interior
     minister, Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, and a member of
     parliament, Tarek William Saab, were arrested, and
     heckled and manhandled by a crowd. RCTV triggered a
     manhunt by publishing a list of the most wanted
     individuals and broadcast violent searches live, aping
     the hectic pace of US news broadcasts. The live broadcast
     on all channels of attorney general Isias Rodríguez's
     press conference was suddenly taken off air after only
     five minutes when he talked about the excesses of the
     "provisional government" and condemned the "coup".

     On 13 April the Chávez supporters were unleashed, and
     officers loyal to him retook control. But the only way
     Venezuelans could get information was through CNN
     broadcasts in Spanish - available only on cable, or on
     the internet sites of the Madrid daily El País and the
     BBC in London. Announcing the rebellion by the 42nd
     parachute division in Maracay, CNN expressed amazement
     that the press were saying nothing. The freedom of
     information that had been clamoured for had been replaced
     by silence. Screens were filled with action films,
     cookery programmes, cartoons and baseball games from the
     major US leagues, interspersed only with repeats of
     General Lucas Rincón's announcement of the "resignation"
     of Chávez.

     Thousands logged on to the internet and got on their
     mobile phones, but only the alternative press was able to
     beat the blackout. Popular newspapers, television and
     radio began life in the poor districts, and were an
     important source of communication and information. Short
     on experience, they were the first targets of the
     "democratic transition". According to Thierry Deronne,
     the presenter of Teletambores, Chávez had never asked
     them to broadcast his speeches.

     But the anti-Chávez powers did not hesitate long after
     their coup before arresting editorial staff and seizing
     equipment, ensuring that the only way the people could
     find out what was really happening was via the opposition
     press. In Caracas, Radio Perola, TV Caricuao, Radio Catia
     Libre and Catia TV were searched and personnel subjected
     to violence and detention.

     In the late afternoon of 13 April, crowds gathered in
     front of RCTV (then Venevisión, Globovisión, Televen and
     CMT, as well as the offices of El Universal and El
     Nacional), throwing stones and compelling journalists to
     broadcast a message calling for "their" president to be
     restored. It was an intolerable attack on the press;
     terrified journalists broadcast an appeal for help on air
     - conveniently forgetting that they were supposed to be
     on the rebel side. "We too are part of the people; we too
     are Venezuelans and we are doing our duty. It is not
     possible that the supporters of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo
     Chávez [no mention that he was head of state] should
     consider us their enemies."

     It was 20 hours before the state channel Venezolana de
     Televisión came back on the air with the help of
     militants from the community media and from soldiers from
     the presidential guard. The silence was broken and
     Venezuelans then found out that the situation was
     changing. Except for Ultimas Noticias, no newspaper was
     published next day to announce the president's return.
     The private television channels broadcast no bulletins.
     Globovisión alone rebroadcast the information that had
     been transmitted by the international agencies (13).

     Although the restoration of democratic normality did not
     result in media repression, the media continues play
     victim. It gives priority to the "coup heroes", speaks of
     a "power vacuum" and calls for the resignation of Chávez
     - described as a "murderer". Openly called the "hate
     media", it claims to be the "coup media".

     (1) Seze on www.analitica.com.

     (2) Gúzman claimed to have done it to show just how
     unreliable the Venezuelan press was.

     (3) "Entrelíneas", El Nacional, 15 March 2002.

     (4) Programa Venezolano de Educación-Acción en derechos

     (5) It was later discovered that this was the pseudonym
     of an unsavoury character called Rafael Kries.

     (6) See "Venezuela: a coup countered", Le Monde
     diplomatique English edition, May 2002.

     (7) "Overthrow the government", El Universal, 20 March

     (8) See Le Monde diplomatique, English edition, May 2002,
     and the photographs posted on our website.

     (9) Including: Univisión (80% of broadcasts in Spanish in
     the United States), Canal 13, Chilevisión, DirectTV Latin
     America, Galavisión, Playboy TV Latin America, Playboy TV
     International, Uniseries, Vale TV, Via Digital, AOL Latin

     (10) The former would like to see it in the hands of a US
     company close to his interests, and the latter has his
     eye on Citgo, the American subsidiary of PDVSA.

     (11) Newsweek, Paris, 22 April 2002.

     (12) The same applies to Radio Nacional de Venezuela and
     the official news agency Venpres.

     (13) Some journalists have resigned in disgust, like
     André Izarra, of RCTV where the management has imposed a
     ban on pro-Chávez reporting.

                                    Translated by Julie Stoker


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Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
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