Note by Hunterbear:  Interim Update on the ND Indian killings and the
Russell Turcotte disappearance. Much more soon -- one way or the other.

I have just received this sad note from Tammy Miller, cousin of 19 year old
Russell Turcotte, Turtle Mountain Chippewa, who disappeared on July 12, 2002
at Grand Forks, North Dakota -- scene one year ago of the still unsolved
murders of the three Turtle Mountain men:  Jerome DeCoteau and Robert and
Damian Belgarde.  Ms. Miller has seen the material concerning Russell's
disappearance that we have on our social justice website -- along with
considerable information on the three killings of a year ago.  Our website,
Lair of Hunterbear, is at  The material relating to the
Indian murders and Russell's disappearance is much  included in the three
pages of our
Socialist Party USA Native American Commission which start at

>From Ms. Tammy Miller to Hunterbear:

I just discovered the article regarding my cousin, Russ Turcotte. I was
pleasantly surprised, but more so, I am thankful.  The search is continuing
only because our family is insistent.  The ceremonies that have been held
have not enlightened us any more than the awareness we previously had.  The
police and "authorities" have not continued an aggressive search.
Therefore, much time has passed and little has been accomplished.  We will
press on.

For your time and consideration.......
(Also I am thankful) *Ojibwa*

[Tammy Miller]

This is our recent update on the Grand Forks situation --  posted on our
website with much other material on the three murders and this young man's
ominous disappearance.   We see the three murders as linked and, obviously,
the mysterious situation involving Russell Turcotte raises the most serious

disappearance -- [9/21/02]:  A year has passed and no arrests have been made
in the murders of Jerome DeCoteau and Robert and Damian Belgarde. Russell
Turcotte, who disappeared at Grand Forks on the night of July 12 2002, has
not been found. In mid-August 2002, a veteran Grand Forks police officer
passed information to me through a good mutual friend:  arrests might not be
far off in the Belgarde case but authorities had found nothing to work with
in the DeCoteau murder. And then -- in a shocker -- he said he was totally
unaware of the Turcotte disappearance and no other Grand Forks officers he
knew had mentioned it. [Media in Grand Forks have said virtually nothing
about Russell Turcotte's disappearance, giving only the vague impression
that it's a Montana situation -- home of the young man.  But the 19 year old
disappeared at Grand Forks!]  The police officer, well-placed and
dependable, indicated he'd push the matter locally.    Hunterbear

As a town, Grand Forks -- which never really recovered from the horrific
flood of April, '97 -- appears to be coming apart badly.  The crime rate is
high, racism continues to rise, and most city officials are singularly
unresponsive and uncommunicative. It's a thoroughly deplorable situation.

State government officials have not really been communicative. On the three
their statements have consistently made reference to various investigations
in various
jurisdictions -- and little more.  The Feds have been totally silent.
Russell Turcotte's
Grand Forks disappearance -- through some bizarre alchemy -- is viewed as a
Montana matter.

We will keep at this. Creative media approaches and sensible confrontations
are now much in the works.
As I have been from the outset, I'll be very deeply involved.

Russell Turcotte [with photo] is listed on Missing Persons  Gallery at

Fraternally / In Solidarity -

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]  Micmac / St Francis Abenaki / St Regis Mohawk
[Pocatello, Idaho]
Protected by NaŽshdoŽiŽbaŽiŽ
and Ohkwari'

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