Middle East - AP 
Iraqis Vote for Unopposed Saddam 
Tue Oct 15, 8:38 PM ET
By ELLEN KNICKMEYER, Associated Press Writer 

TIKRIT, Iraq (AP) - Stuffing ballots into boxes by the
fistful, citizens in Saddam Hussein (news - web
sites)'s hometown of massive compounds and narrow
lanes joined millions of other Iraqis on Tuesday for a
vote choreographed as a show of support for their

AP Photo 

AP Photo  
 Slideshow: Iraq and Saddam Hussein 

  Saddam Runs Unopposed in Iraq Vote 
(AP Video) 
  Iraqis Set to Vote On Saddam's Re-Election 
(AP Video)  
  Iraqis To Vote Saddam President - Again 

"All Iraq is for Saddam. He is our leader and our
father," said one voter, showing off a ballot stamped
"yes" in a thumbprint of blood. 

Surface-to-air missile batteries and artillery outside
Saddam's hometown, Tikrit, underscored the other
message in Iraq's one-candidate presidential
referendum: defiance of the United States in the face
of possible war over Iraq's alleged weapons of mass

"I came to put my paper in the box and to say I don't
want America to come here, and to say I hate Bush,
because he wants to attack me," Dr. Ahmed Jawad, a
parasitologist, said in a village outside Tikrit. 

Iraq projected more than 11 million of Saddam's 22
million people would turn out for the referendum. The
vote was a "yes" or "no" on Saddam's staying president
for another seven years and on continuing the
coup-installed, three-decade reign of his party. 

The White House dismissed the one-man race.
"Obviously, it's not a very serious day, not a very
serious vote and nobody places any credibility on it,"
press secretary Ari Fleischer (news - web sites) said
in Washington. 

At home, Iraqis have spoken of besting Saddam's 99.96
percent "yes" vote the last referendum, in 1995. In
the capital, Baghdad, Saddam's Baath Party staged
neighborhood drives to get out the vote — with many
projecting a 100 percent "yes" this time. 

Officials said results would be announced at a news
conference Wednesday morning. In a vote run with
little show of impartiality or doubt about the
outcome, however, it was impossible to tell if
announced turnout or results would have any relation
to votes cast. 

Iraq limited reporters to state-escorted stops at
polling places. There were no independent observers. 

The true turnout seemed likely lower than the official
projection. Some in Baghdad said privately they had no
plans to vote. 

Outside Baghdad, crowds at polling places visited by
foreign reporters appeared to have been gathered and
waiting for the press, not for the vote. 

At one desert polling site, robed Bedouin tribesmen
broke into ballot-waving dances and songs lauding
Saddam when journalists rolled up in a bus. 

Descending on the polling place from miles around in
white Japanese pickup trucks instead of camels, the
Bedouin told reporters they had been well-fed by
authorities as they waited for the cameras. 

In some towns, excited election workers joined voters
in cramming ballots into boxes for news cameras. Many
single voters cast multiple ballots, for absent family

In Tikrit, one stooped Bedouin woman shrouded head to
toe in black cloth pushed her way through dancing
throngs of Saddam supporters. A vote-organizer stopped
the woman, unfolded her ballot to make sure she had
checked the "yes" box, nodded and handed the ballot
back to her. 

Pushing her vote for Saddam into the ribboned ballot
box, the old woman reared her head and let loose a
tribal volley of celebratory trilling: "LU LU LU LU LU

Tikrit, 95 miles north of Baghdad, is a stronghold for
Saddam, who comes from what were poor, settled Bedouin
in the region. 

Saddam's actual birth village of Al Aouja, outside
Tikrit, is off-limits to foreigners and most Iraqis
these days. 

Still a narrow-laned, grimy town, Tikrit today is home
to massive compounds for Saddam and his family. Double
layers of walls with razor wire and guard towers ring
one sprawling compound, part palace and part medieval

Another family home rises stark and vast like a Dallas
shopping mall on a rugged clifftop outside town. 

Election authorities' press bus skirted only one edge
of the town. Defense measures were evident in that
small part, such as a sandbag gunner's nest at one
intersection, before a mosque. 

Radar arrays, bunkers and missile batteries, or their
mock-ups, held the flats outside Tikrit. 

U.S. missiles and bombs hit Saddam's town twice, in
1991, and in 1998, following the withdrawal of U.N.
weapons inspectors. 

A week after Congress authorized military force to
wipe out Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, Tikrit
physician Mohsin Zanganar said he was "90 percent
sure" U.S. airstrikes would hit again. 

"Not 100 percent sure. But 90 percent sure," Zanganar,
director of a tuberculosis clinic, said outside one of
the polling places, strung with Saddam banners. 

"I sit in my home, and do nothing. If the government
wants to give me a gun ..." Zanganar says, letting the
sentence trail off with a shrug. "But I'm a doctor.
What do I want with a gun?" 

To many, the election seemed a way to protest what
they fear is the new war rushing on. 

"I am voting not for Saddam, because my vote for
Saddam was determined long ago, but I am voting
against America and Britain," voter Abdul Munaim said
in Baghdad. 

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