PT Pindad:
Bali Bombs Come from Europe and USA
16 Oct 2002 7:9:39 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Bandung, West Java:PT Pindad
spokesperson Timbul Sitompul has said that the bombs
that exploded in Legian, Bali, on Saturday (12/10) did
not come from Indonesia. 

“They can only be found in Europe and USA,” Sitompul
told Tempo News Room in Bandung, West Java on Tuesday

PT Pindad is the state company that produces military
equipment including ammunition, weapons and grenades. 

Sitompul also identified the explosive material used
in the bombs as C-4. 

“This kind of material has huge explosive power,” he

According to Sitompul, Indonesia does not use the C-4
material to explode anything in the military
activities or mining business. 

“The Indonesian military does not use C-4, he stated. 

Sitompul denied that PT Pindad produces C-4. 

“PT Pindad only produces TNT explosives, not C-4,” he

According to Sitompul, TNT is distributed only to the

He added that Indonesian Military (TNI) does not
possess any material with as high explosive power as
C-4 and PT Pindad is yet capable of producing C-4. . 

Sitompul said he suspected that in the Bali bombing,
the C-4 had been triggered by professionals who used a
detonator or time switch to explode the bomb. (Bobby
Gunawan -Tempo News Room) 

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