> "Nathan Newman writes:
> Crying "redbaiting" is just a form of mccarthyism within the left, an
> attempt to shut people up when they raise criticism of policies.
> has no power to take jobs away from Workers World members or throw 
them in
> jail-- he is criticizing their support for dictators and thugs 
around the
> world.
> You may find the Soviet suppression of Hungarians in 1968, the 
shooting of
> Czechs in the streets of 1968, and the murder of students in Beijing 
in 1989
> to be dandy service to the revolution, but Michael has the perfect 
> (and I support him) in arguing that those in  the WWP who applaud 
the murder
> of other leftists should not be considered comrades.

There cannot be comradeship with the anticommunists in left disguise.
They must be exposed as the most dangerous agents of Western imperialism 
from the public realm of communist discussion.  We are dealing here 
with the
important and dangerous political phenomenon: modern social-imperialism.
translated recently
a chapter on "left anticommunism" from Michael Parenti's book, which 
was like an
eye-opener for
our readers.  But this is only a tip of the iceberg.  Since Lenin's time
social-imperialism has
grown tremendously and now includes a whole new formation - the millions 
"NGOs" directly
funded by capitalists and imperialist governments.  Only in Russia 
we have 75,
000 active NGOs
funded by them (240 000 registered).  Where do they get the money?  By
plundering our country.
First they plunder it, then they spend a part of the loot to buy 
their local
puppets.Millions of Western petti-bourgeois intellectuals, not a 
few of whom are
former Marxists and radicals, have been employed by this Juggernaut of

The political ancestors of a Pugliesie or a Newman cheered up the 
tortures and
murders of Hungarian communist workers and antifascist by the fascist 
scum, with
the US Embassy and the Vatican behind them.  I am proud that one 
of my relatives
commanded a tank brigade in 1956 and helped these workers to restore 
state.  I remember the August of 1968.  I was a teenager then, already 
by the gentle anticommunist propaganda of the radio "voices".  I 
became ashamed
of my country.  Such nice people on the streets of Prague, I thought,
champions of "freedom", what our tanks are doing over there?!  Eventually 
realized what they were doing (and sometimes dying in those tanks) 
in Prague
that August, but too late.  By that time the "Prague" had happened 
to Moscow and
the genocide of my people (the Soviet people!) began. And there were 
no more
tanks to stop it.  I am thankful to Brezhnev and that last ineffectual 
bunch of
Soviet bureaucrats who went through Stalingrad and Kursk and  knew 
what *real*
life and death are about for saving that last generation of the Soviet 
from the Catastrophe.  Without those tanks in 1968 the life of my 
could  have been broken already by the end of the 1970s.  Instead 
of becoming
physicians and teachers, our girls would have been serving guests 
in Israeli and
Japanese bordellos or babysitting for a WASP couple in Washington 
and washing
dishes in a Brooklin restaurant.  Half of my university fiends are 
already dead
before reaching  their 50s, but at least they had a worthy life in 
their 20s.
Thanks to the silly old bureaucrats in the Kremlin and the Soviet 
tanks in
Prague in 1968.  As to the 1989 in Beijing, every honest person who 
knows what
happened to the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Russia after 1989 must 
shudder in
horror at the thought what would have happened to the peoples of 
China had the
Communist Party retreated and the imperialists had their day in Beijing 

Pugliese et al. is the same crowd that cheered up NATO bombers over 
Belgrad and
joined their imperialists in
blackmailing Russia to withdraw from the Caucases.  In Russia they 
work hand in
with imperialist "foundations" to buy and corrupt whatever honest 
is left in our
intelligentsia and
to trasform them into compradors.  Above all, these social-chauvinists 
love to
chastise left activists from oppressed countries for being "nationalists.
These people are not  worthy of the dust from the shoes of the
last WWP activist.  And remember my words: the more successful WWP 
and similar
US organizations will become in the current antiimperialist mobilization 
more vicious and organized will be the attacks against them from 
these left
anticommunist types.

Down with this scum!  Expose them everywhere loudly and openly!
Build  a barricade between them and yourself.  There will be no chance 
even for
a partial
victory without it.

Vadim Stolz

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