True... Having just recently finished Fanon's Wretched of the Earth, one sees 
the truth in what you said. Fanon rightly pointed out that the bourgeoisie 
even when it speaks anti-imperialist is no better because this bourgeosie 
does not know the people of the country and is only looking to create a new 
system where he himself becomes the powerful oppressor. What is needed as 
Fanon commented is a revolutionary force of the people and one that while 
educating the people does not discredit the people or look to be master of 
the people.
Objectively Nestor is certainly right. But that doesn't mean that the agenda 

the bourgois leadership of the forces of national liberation ist different, 

cannot be but different because of their class interests which by necessity 

always overshadow any national interests (this is if you don't define 

interests' as the interests of the national bourgeoisie since the nation 

is per definitionem a bourgeois state). The bourgeois leaders do not aim at 

smashing the system which keeps their countries oppressed by imperialism 

to do so would mean to fight against capitalism itself od which imperialism 

only the unavoidable highest stage. Capitalism however is the basis of their 

class rule domestically. What they aim at is getting a 'fairer' share in the 

exploitation of their national subjects. This is the reason why no matter how 

harsh the opposition between them and and imperialist powers may seem to be 
at a 

certain time this opposition is always but conjunctural. The only 

antiimperialist force within the societies of the oppressed nations can be 

working class which has to rally around itself the rest of the toiling masses 

(poor peasants, shopkeepers, marginalized strata in the big cities and the 

likes). It is true that real antiimperialisam has a proletarian class 

To deduce from this that every antiimperialism is objectively proletarian is 

putting the matter on its head. What is to be deduced from that however is 

bourgeois antiimperialism is in the last analysis but a fake.

Best,       A.Holberg

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