AP. 13 February 2003. Thousands more Germans demonstrate against possible
Iraq war.

BREMEN -- More than 10,000 people took part in demonstrations across Germany
Thursday against a war in Iraq, underlining support here for Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder's stance against military intervention.

More than 6,000 students marched in the northern city of Bremen bearing
banners including "Think again instead of killing" and "Bush is the

Later, several thousand people gathered in Hamburg, carrying candles and
torches. Further south, about 3,500 people gathered in Wurzburg for an
anti-war rally.

In Dresden, survivors marked the 58th anniversary of the Allied bombing that
devastated the eastern city at the end of World War II by issuing an appeal
against an attack on Iraq: "Help to prevent new suffering, new destruction
and new death."

Peace activists expect more than 80,000 demonstrations for a major rally in
Berlin on Saturday, one of several anti-war protests being organized across
Europe and beyond.

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Arrest Bush Now

Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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