The position of at least a considerable part of those demonstrating in 
Germany against the upcoming US-aggression against Iraq should not easily be 
identified with the position of the government. For many of the activists it is 
obvious that the SPD/Greens government is acting out of concern for the special 
interests of German imperialism. The German government is agreed with the 
US-government that disarming Iraq is a necessity. However it wants that to be 
done by the UN and with 'peaceful' means (including such nice activities as 
starving Millions of Iraqis by the UN-embargo). At present the main imperialist 
enemy is US-imperialism, but lots of us here know that German imperialism is 
only waiting to get strong enough to become as nasty.
Best            A.Holberg

Macdonald Stainsby schrieb:
> AP. 13 February 2003. Thousands more Germans demonstrate against possible
> Iraq war.
> BREMEN -- More than 10,000 people took part in demonstrations across Germany
> Thursday against a war in Iraq, underlining support here for Chancellor
> Gerhard Schroeder's stance against military intervention.
> More than 6,000 students marched in the northern city of Bremen bearing
> banners including "Think again instead of killing" and "Bush is the
> terror-risk."
> Later, several thousand people gathered in Hamburg, carrying candles and
> torches. Further south, about 3,500 people gathered in Wurzburg for an
> anti-war rally.
> In Dresden, survivors marked the 58th anniversary of the Allied bombing that
> devastated the eastern city at the end of World War II by issuing an appeal
> against an attack on Iraq: "Help to prevent new suffering, new destruction
> and new death."
> Peace activists expect more than 80,000 demonstrations for a major rally in
> Berlin on Saturday, one of several anti-war protests being organized across
> Europe and beyond.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> ProletarianNews
> Arrest Bush Now
> -------------------------------------------
> Macdonald Stainsby
> --
> In the contradiction lies the hope.
>                                      --Bertholt Brecht
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