----- Original Message -----
From: "michael a. lebowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: chavez and ftaa

Chavez: Cuba Excluded From FTAA (PL) Venezuela President Hugo
Chavez affirmed that Cuba is not participating in the negotiations
for the Free Trade Treaty of the Americas (FTAA), because she was
excluded. Speaking at a Venezuelan Commission for FTAA
negotiations, Chavez declined to firm the treaty because it would
mean death for the people. We are in negotiations, and we often
feel alone, because Cuba isn't here, because they [the United
States] democratically excluded her, the President said
ironically, and reviewed the defense of the changes in the US
proposal. He noted "someone wants to erase Cuba," and
"democratically someone decided that Cuba is not in the Americas."
The Head of State recalled that when the first FTAA Summit was
held in Miami in December 1994, he was in Havana and discussed
this theme. Chavez emphasized that in the discussions of the US
treaty, Venezuela has remained practically alone in defense of
some positions. "But above all, it is necessary to stay within our
Constitution and the Bolivarian project," he stressed. Chavez
concluded by saying the FTAA and the Venezuelan Constitution are

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