Congratualtions to the people of Turkey, for the first time it is clear that
they know they are not Europe.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sabri Oncu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The Grand National Assembly of Turkey said "NO TO WAR" on
Saturday, March 1st, 2003. This is tantamount to saying "YES" to
the will of the people.

With their votes, our deputies also said "NO" to

. Dispatching our children to die,
. Annihilating our neighbours, the people of Iraq
. Submitting to the threats of the USA
. Transforming Turkey from a relatively dependent country into a
fully dependent one
. Degrading our country to the position of becoming the subject
matter of cartoons.

We thank them

We thank the members of the Parliament who displayed the dignity
of taking this decision and the President of State and  Speaker
of Parliament who unrelentingly underlined the principle of
"international legitimacy", and we demand that they continue to
uphold this determination in the days to come.

Those who opt for war claim that the result of this voting has
dealt a serious blow to the government which should therefore
seek a vote of confidence from the Parliament. We are
categorically against all attempts to exploit this historic
decision of the Parliament in petty domestic political struggle.
If we are to talk about a vote of confidence, we can confidently
say  that: "The Grand National Assembly of Turkey has secured a
vote of confidence from the people."

There can be no second memorandum

We know that efforts to drag our country into this war will go on
non-stop. For there are people who consider the Parliament's
decision to be ill-taken.  Firstly, to present a second
memorandum of the same content will be tantamount to the
repudiation of the Parliament resolution on March 1st and it will
override the will of the Parliament. No one is entitled to do
this. Such action will be unacceptable on legal and ethical terms
and will be a violation of the Constitution and the Code of the

We will share our bread

Resistance to all these pressures for war may have economic
consequences. And these consequences may be very severe. But as a
society with dignity, we are ready to pay this price. Turkey's
resources will be enough for all of us. Those who have bread are
ready to share it with those who don't. For the peace-loving
citizens of Turkey hold the honor of being the citizens of a
peace loving, free and dignified country much dearer than money.

We are closer to the EU now

The decision is said to have damaged US-Turkish relations. Let it
be so, as long as the US marches on the path of belligerency,
aggression and war. Let it not be forgotten that Turkey has taken
an important step in the direction of EU with this decision. And
even more important, Turkey has now positioned herself on the
side of millions of peace activists who herald a new world.

The solution to the Kurdish Question is in Turkey

As for using the founding of a "Kurdish State" as a stake...
Irrespective of the founding of a Kurdish State in Northern Iraq,
Turkey has to deal with the problems of identity, welfare and
freedom of her citizens of Kurdish origin by peaceful means. This
solution cannot be achieved outside our borders, through war in
North Iraq, but only by establishing social peace in Turkey.

Ankara became the capital of peace on March 1st.
Let us keep it that way.

March 3, 2003

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