By Jeff Halper

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, together with the entire
Israeli peace and human rights movement, mourns the death in Gaza of Rachel
Corrie and extends its condolences to her family, friends and comrades in
the International Solidarity Movement.

Rachel was not the first person killed as a result of Israel's cruel policy
of house demolitions. Less than two weeks ago Nuha Makadma Sweidan and her
unborn child were also killed in Gaza when Israeli army sappers
"accidentally" demolished their home when they blew up another home nearby.
A few weeks before that an elderly woman and a disabled man died under the
rubble of their Gazan homes when the soldiers "failed to notice" them.
These were no mere accidents. Israel routinely demolishes Palestinian
houses on top of all the families' possessions, and in their haste do not
bother to follow prosaic rules of "safety."

The vast majority of demolitions, it must be understood, have nothing to do
with terrorism. According to UN figures, less than 600 of the 10,000 houses
demolished since the Occupation began in 1967 involved security suspects.
All the rest  94% -- were simply houses of ordinary people that were in
Israel's way. That was the case of the home of Dr. Samir Nasrallah, which
Rachel died protecting. Dr. Nasrallah had engaged in no hostile activities,
had not been charged with anything. His house was demolished because, like
dozens of others that have been bulldozed in that section of the dense
refugee camp, it laid within a wide "security strip" that Israel wants to
create along the border with Egypt. No compensation was given to Dr.
Nasrallah, no opportunity to appeal to the court, no alternative housing
offered. Simply demolition that leaves families homeless, impoverished,
traumatized, ruined. An illegal policy, since international law forbids the
demolition of houses by an Occupying Power.

So why does Israel pursue such a heartless policy that seems tailor-made to
generating hatred against it? First, the policy of home demolition confines
Palestinians to tiny overcrowded and non-viable islands of land, allowing
Israel to control the entire West Bank and Gaza through its expansive
system of settlements. Second, Israel knows that homes are sacred to
Palestinians, the core of their extended family life. By demolishing Israel
hopes to break the Palestinians' will to resist the Occupation and accept
life in a truncated bantustan. And third, house demolitions are a key
mechanism to the process of displacement, of Israel's exclusive claim to
the entire  country.

Beyond the politics of the Occupation, it is this last reason that
motivates us, members of the Israeli peace camp, to resist demolition as
Rachel did, to block the bulldozers with our bodies, and to rebuild
Palestinian homes when they are demolished. For by doing so we, as Israeli
Jews, are saying to the Palestinians: We acknowledge your existence as a
people and your right to be in this country. We want to share this country
with you, based on the rights of both our peoples. We seek a common future
based on a just peace. We refuse to be enemies.

Rachel was not an Israeli. She was, as a member of the International
Solidarity Movement, a member of the international civil society, as we all
are. In her actions she affirmed her responsibility for upholding the
inherent dignity and equal rights of all people, including their right to a
nationality. She opposed non-violently the violence that occupation does
the Palestinians.

The threshold of what is outrageous has reached unimaginable heights in the
Occupied Territories. Little moves us anymore. The demolition of 60
Palestinian homes in the Rafah section of Gaza where Rachel worked made
barely a ripple when it happened a year ago. 2400 Palestinians have died in
the past two years, a quarter of them children and youth, and 22,000 have
been injured. Thirty percent of Palestinian children under the age of 5
suffer from malnutrition. 500,000 olive and fruit trees have been uprooted
or cut down. Israel is today imprisoning the Palestinians behind a 500 mile
wall that is much longer, higher and more fortified than was the Berlin
Wall. Its all mind-boggling, its all happening before our eyes and -- who

Rachel cared.

(Jeff Halper is the Coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House
Demolitions (ICAHD). He can be reached at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.)

Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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