US to round up all Muslim and Arab asylum-seekers
By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles
The Independent
19 March 2003

The United States has ordered the detention of all political
asylum-seekers from a long list of Arab and Muslim countries,
infuriating immigrant advocates who say it violates international human
rights law.

The Department of Homeland Security announced the policy shift as part
of its tightening of security in anticipation of a war with Iraq,
codenamed Operation Liberty Shield. "Asylum applications from nations
where al-Qa'ida, al-Qa'ida sympathisers and other terrorist groups are
known to have operated will be detained for the duration of their
processing period," the department said on Monday night. It described
the initiative as temporary, "reasonable and prudent".

Department officials told reporters the order would affect nationals
from more than 30 countries, including Iraq and - in contrast to
previous government orders requiring immigrants to register with the
authorities - such US allies as Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

The measure was denounced by human rights groups as discriminatory and
counter-productive. They argued that anyone who wished harm against the
United States would not voluntarily expose themselves by applying for
asylum. Targeting asylum-seekers, they said, was "irrational" and
"ridiculous". In a country founded by immigrants, it carried unfortunate
historical echoes of the mass internment of Japanese Americans after the
attack on Pearl Harbor.

Alison Parker, head of the refugee programme for Human Rights Watch,
said any detention order that did not consider each applicant's case on
its merits would be a violation of international law. "Our concern is
that anyone who is detained should have an individualised hearing as to
whether that detention is necessary, conducted by an impartial
adjudicator. Such an assessment should not be applied across the board
to an entire nationality," she said.

Asked whether the government had made provision for individual hearings,
added: "It sure doesn't sound like it."

Ms Parker said locking up asylum-seekers for security reasons would send
the wrong message about the nature of people fleeing persecution,
including Iraqis fleeing from Saddam Hussein. "It's a sweeping
generalisation of who they are and a very unfortunate one ... They are
not terrorists, they are not security risks. They should be protected."

Accusations of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim discrimination were heightened
by the launch of a new police hunt for potential terror suspects across
the United States that is focusing on mosques and Arab Americans,
especially Iraqis.

Macdonald Stainsby
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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