Subject:   Call to Conscience press release and Speakers Bureau
   Date:         Wed, 19 Mar 2003 11:25:10 -0800 (PST)
   From:         Vets Call to Conscience <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please send this out to your local press. Bye the way, anyone going to
the vet event in DC or SF this weekend and willing to pass out the Call?

Immediate Release**For Immediate Release**For Immediate  Release****

Date:  March 1st, 2003
Contact:  Terri Allred  
Seattle, Washington 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (206) 909-0481

Speakers Available for Interview

Military Veterans call upon the Troops to "Do the Right Thing"

Veterans Call to Conscience to Active Duty Troops & Reservists

Almost 1000  ex-military from WWII veterans to Active Duty Troops have
signed a statement of conscience calling upon troops to "follow their
conscience" and "do the right thing" stating that they will support
their actions.  

The statement reads in part: "If the people of the world are ever to be
free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes
precedence over being the soldier of a nation."

Thousands of copies of the statement have gotten into the hands of
deploying troops, here in the US and throughout Europe.

The statement has been endorsed by prominents like: Howard Zinn, Father
Roy Bourgeoisie, Daniel Ellsberg, Michael Moore, Ron Kovic, Kurt
Vonnegut andd others.  20% of the signers are Gulf War Veterans. Many
signers are active duty and include several locked up for filing for CO
status.  The statement has been translated into Turkish, Farsi, French,
Spanish, Italian, German, Danish and Malay.  Signers include Gulf war
veterans from England and Scotland and members of the Israeli IDF.  The
statement has made its way onto many US bases and has been leafleted to
troops in Germany and in Belgium.

The Call to Conscience has established a Speakers Bureau.  The bureau
features veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam as well as the first active
duty marine to refuse deployment to the Gulf in 1991.  Two members of
the speakers bureau are Gulf War Veterans with much to say about the war
in 1991. Many speakers filed for Conscientious Objector status during
the Vietnam and Gulf War.  Several spent many months in Leavenworth
military prison for their opposition to war.  Speakers are Black, Asian,
native and women.  Speakers range from an important religio 

To interview signers please email or call: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
call (206) 909-0481

Veterans Call to Conscience Speakers Bureau
Veterans Call to Conscience Speakers Bureau
Available for National & International Press
Dave Allen
101st Airborne
Winooski, Vermont
Air Assault as an anti-tank crew-member during the Persian Gulf War. 
Member of Green Mountain Vets for Peace (VFP). 
(802)  598-7453

Robert Bossie
US Air Force 1955- 1959
Chicago, Illinois
Member of Priests of the Sacred Heart
Co-Founder of Voices in the Wilderness                            
Member of the 1991 Gulf Peace Team which positioned themselves on the
Iraq-Saudi Arabian border to oppose the war
Traveled to Iraq three times with medicines in open violation of
Speaks widely on Iraq
(312) 641-5151

Scott Camil
Sgt. USMC - 1965 -1969
Gainesville, Florida
20 months Vietnam, 2 Purple hearts
Southeast Regional Coordinator VVAW 1971-1973
Box 141693 Gainesville , FL 32614

Carl Dix
Army 1968 - 1972
Brooklyn, NY
Vietnam war resister 1969  - Fort Lewis 6 
Sentenced to 19 months in Leavenworth Prison
National Spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)
Unique perspective on revolution in the United States
(866) 841-9139 x2670

Joseph C. Farah
Army 1960 - 1963
Indianapolis, Indiana 
Chapter President - Indianapolis  Veterans For Peace (VFP)
Writer-researcher, educator, independent scholar and published critic.  
1998 traveled to Viet Nam with former American POW's.
(317)  514-3600


Kim Hawkins
Navy 1987-1991 (Gulf War)
Trenton, Maine

Robert Kirkconnell
Air Force 1967 - 1994
Member Veterans for Peace (VFP) & Palestine Media Watch
27 years active duty in the US Air Force
2 tours of Viet Nam 
Decorations include:  Bronze Star with combat v device & 4 Meritorious
Service Medals
Home (909)  866-0284
Cell  (909) 553-1937

Marty Kunz
Navy 1970-1976
Seattle, Washington
National Organizer Vietnam Veterans Against The War Anti Imperialist
Organizer Veterans Call to Conscience Project
Organized Seattle Protest against Flag Burning Law 1994.
Organized National Anti Intervention Conference 1994
(206) 374-2215

O'Kelly McCluskey
WWII / Korean Veteran
Seattle, Washington
Veterans For Peace 
Navy enlisted 44-46 -DAV -1953--57 USAF officer.
Spoke out against French Imperialism backed by US reinstitution
colonialism on Algeria and
Vietnam.  Threatened with a court martial and resigned his career rather
than be silenced.
Became a lawyer  & endorsed by Senator Eugene McCarthy as a Peace
candidate for US Congress

Stan Nishimura
Army: 1964-67
Born: 1943 in Poston, Arizona, a U.S. concentration camp for Japanese
Member:  Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti Imperialist (VVAWAI),
Connecticut Peace Coalition/New Haven
Organizer for:  Not In Our Name Project-CT,
Initiator Veterans Call to Conscience
(203) 498-8185

Jeff Paterson
Marine Corps 1986 - 1990
San Francisco, California
First Active Duty Military Resister to 1991 Gulf War
Organizer: Not in Our Name (NION) - Member Vietnam Veterans Against the
War Anti Imperialist
Court martial proceedings stopped due to non-stop protest & growing US
anti war movement
Available through 206 909-0481

Randy Rowland
Army 1967- 1970 - Medic
Seattle, Washington
Presidio 27 Mutineer - 1968
Served 18 months in Leavenworth Military Prison
Member - Western Washington Veterans for Peace (VFP)
Founder of Pepper Spray Productions
Registered Nurse
Available through (206) 909-0481

James Ryan
Army 1962 - 1967
Resides in Ostanbul, Turkey
Graduate of US Military Academy at West Point
Unique perspective on US troops in Turkey
Home (216) 362 3474 (0stanbul),
cell phone (535) 935 1015

Joe Urgo
Air Force 1966 - 1970 
In Vietnam from Dec67 to Dec68
Former National officer of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. 
Organizer for  the Winter Soldier Investigation into U.S. war crimes in
Vietnam Organizer Dewey
Canyon III
Aug 1971 - the first Vietnam Veteran to travel to Hanoi on a peace
Long time revolutionary activist
Member Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti Imperialist (VVAWAI), and
Activist for Not In Our
Name Project (NION)

Dr. William Warrick
Army Security Agency 1968- 1971
Gainsville, Florida
Gainsville Veterans for Peace (VFP)
Family doctor in Gainesville Florida for 20 years.
Days: (352) 372-1504
(352) 376-1005

Cora Tula Watters
Marine Corps - Korean Era
Professional musician, writer and educator
Mixed blood Appalachian Shawnee.  A warrior woman
Visually impaired grandfather memorized the eye chart so he could pass
and enlist in the
SeaBees. Her uncle a WWII veteran. Her aunt was a Corps Wave. Her
cousine a Marine. Cora joined
the Marines when the US went to war with Korea.

"This proposed war of President Bush is neither a just war nor a war for
freedom.  This is a
imperialistic scheme to rule the world and a private vendetta.  No
longer a "give me your
tired, your poor…" haven for the oppressed, or a protector of the
endangered, we have become a
greedy, profit-grabbing nation whose leadership is more interested  in
oil…than in  world

Availabe for interviews through (206) 909-0481

Dave Wiggins, MD
Gulf War
High Point, North Carolina
Gulf War Conscientious Objector - Court-martialed
Former Distinguished Graduate of West Point
Resigned commission by blocking military traffic in King Khalisd
Military City on the front lines.
Initiator of the Veterans Call to Conscience Project.
Practicing Emergency Room Physician.
(336)  886-5101  Cell: (336) 259-0382

Howard Zinn
Boston, Massachusetts
Air Force 1943 - 1945
Author of  "A Peoples History of the US"
Peoples Historian
(617)  244-0779.

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