Two articles from Reuters-

Cardenas breaks down and 'chats' with Fox.     He didn't want to appear
'unreasonable'.     And Fox to announce the big planned extension of
NAFTA 'reform'.

Reuters makes an idiotic reference to a supposed Fox desire to have 'the
free flow of labor included in the trade pact'.     Translated from
gibberish to English, that means that Fox and Clinton have worked out a
new regulation of Mexican immigrant labor to be implemented in the US.
New 'democrats' for Nuevo Bracero. 
.........................................Tony Abdo

Mexico's Fox will visit U.S. and Canada in August   
27 Jul 2000 20:46  
MEXICO CITY, July 27 (Reuters) - Mexican President-elect Vicente Fox
plans to visit the United States and Canada from Aug. 22 to 25 to deepen
and broaden ties within the North American Free Trade Agreement, his
office said on Thursday. 

Fox, who dealt the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) its first
presidential election defeat in 71 years on July 2, will hold talks with
President Bill Clinton on Aug. 24 and with the rival candidates in the
November U.S. presidential election, Republican George W. Bush and
Democrat Al Gore. 
Before traveling to Washington, the leader of Mexico's conservative
National Action Party (PAN) will meet Canadian Prime Minister Jean
Chretien in Ottawa on Aug. 22. 

Fox has pledged to try to deepen relations with the United States and
Canada, Mexico's partners in NAFTA, a free trade accord that came into
effect in 1994. 
The Mexican president-elect has said he would like to have the free flow
of labor included in the trade pact and can envisage ultimate
integration in the style of the European Union, possibly with a common

Fox, who takes office on Dec. 1, has planned a series of foreign trips
before his inauguration, mainly to develop contacts, woo foreign
investors and learn from the experiences of other world leaders. 

On Aug. 7 to 10, he plans a trip to Chile, Argentina and Brazil to
develop ties with the South American Mercosur trade bloc. He has also
scheduled a trip to Europe in October and has said he may try to visit
MEXICO CITY, July 26 (Reuters) - Mexico's conservative President-elect,
Vicente Fox, met on Wednesday evening with leftist leader Cuauhtemoc
Cardenas and appealed to his former opponent to join in his dream of an
"inclusive" government. 

Since his July 2 victory, Fox has repeatedly reached out to Cardenas and
his Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), saying he wants all
parties to contribute ideas during the transition period and in his
administration after he takes office Dec. 1. 

But the PRD, mauled in the general election vote that saw its share of
the presidential ballot fall to 16.6 percent from more than 25 percent
in 1994, indulged in sour grapes. 

Cardenas refused at first to have anything to do with Fox, and just two
weeks after the election said the president-elect was already failing to
live up to campaign promises. 

Over the weekend, however, campaign hostilities began to fade and
Cardenas made a dramatic turnaround during a meeting of national leaders
of the PRD, saying the party could not gamble that Fox would fail as

At the meeting, the PRD National Council resolved to respond to the
invitations of Fox's National Action Party (PAN). 
The personal meeting between Fox and Cardenas on Wednesday lasted 45
minutes in Cardenas's apartment in the upscale Polanco neighborhood of
Mexico City. 

In a statement to the press afterward, Fox said the purpose of the
meeting was to reiterate his commitment to forming "a plural government,
but above all, a government of harmony, inclusion, agreement and

"We presented to Cardenas our desire to have an intense relationship
with the PRD, to construct this transition and this democracy together,"
he said. 

Fox said he also took the opportunity to apologize for campaign attacks,
saying they were not personal, but part of "strong debate." 

He did not say whether Cardenas, who was also defeated in the 1994 and
1988 elections, had apologized for his own bitter attacks on Fox, which
included calling him a "fascist." 

Fox said Cardenas agreed that the two parties should work together to
maintain a healthy, constructive exchange of opinions, and to seek
Earlier on Wednesday, the PRD said in a statement that the incoming
Congress should establish a relationship of mutual respect with the Fox

PRD President Amalia Garcia, the statement said, had contacted Fox aides
to set up a meeting between Fox and PRD leaders. She also was to set up
talks with other political parties. 

The PRD's new attitude and the personal meeting with Cardenas bode well
for Fox, Mexico's first opposition challenger in 71 years to defeat the
long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in a presidential

Fox's PAN lacks an absolute majority in both houses of Congress, and his
government will have to negotiate with the PRD or the PRI to pass tax,
judicial and other reforms.

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