En relación a Re: [L-I] What to do if the KLA and NATO fight,
el 21 Aug 00, a las 9:21, A.Wosni dijo:

> Okay, I agree with driving both out. But why not trying to drive out
> the Milosevic- (and any oither Serb nationalist and hence bourgeois)
> regime out at the same time. Obviously yiou agree that a conflict with
> imperialism is not yet turning a otherwise reactionary force into a
> truely antiimperialist force. A. Holberg

What kind of a regime would take power in Yugoslavia if the "Serb
nationalist and bourgeois" Milosevic regime (your definition, I
hardly can imagine the policemen -that is, the concrete face of the
State- of a bourgeois regime cherishing Salvador Allende, as an
Argentinian anti-Yugo journalist reported during the war) were
brought down? I have witnessed much too many "Leftist" criticisms to
"bourgeois" regimes in Latin America which systematically ended up
with coups d'état that put a ruthless proimperialist dictatorship in

The whole history of most of Latin American "Leftists" is a history
of anti-national-bourgeois regimes which systematically ends up
giving a left wing coverage to imperialist coups. That is enough for
me. If one does not have an alternative to the "national bourgeois"
regime, then one should be more political, more cautious, and, yes,
more intellective of the actual forces in struggle.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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