>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Blagovesta Doncheva

>>Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 1:10 PM
>>Subject: Elections, S24, Kostuniza Part III
>>>  Part III
>>>And here is a story about the end results of neo-liberal
>>price-salary-pension-graveyard politics...
>>>In Memoriam...
>>>SEGA, July 1, 2000; p. 15
>>>An Elderly Woman Died Of Hunger in the Town of Rouse
>>>3 days the corpse of Marinka stayed in her room at 38oC: the family had
>>money to bury her...
>>>Author: Rossen Mollov
>>>The medical conclusion is that the woman has died out of physical
>>exhaustion because of systematic hunger. That is a precedent sad the
>>doctors. Till now the hunger usually activated some old chronic disease.
>>But to die of hunger at the beginning of XXI century and in a 200-thousand
>>>Marinka Todorova retired in 1998... She could hardly make both ends meet
>>with her pension of 72 leva/month ( $ 36/month). She lived with
>>daughter-in-law, Ljubka (33), unemployed for 4 years, with 17 leva /month
>>social help (a little more than $ 8/month), and her two granddaughters, 11
>>and 13 years of age. Marinkas two sons are in prison for petty thefts and
>>participation in a beating. They were allowed 2-day leave to bury their
>>> Ljubka told that Marinka refused to eat: Ive tried to forcibly feed her,
>>but she kept repeating: Keep the food for you and children. Dont waste it
>>on me.. The neighbour had given her two meatballs she had saved them for
>>us.. The children, dear... The food should be for them.. A piece of bread
>>or two is enough for me..
>>>With a month pension of 72 leva and a month social help of 17 leva the
>>family lived in a horrible misery.
>>>To buy food, Ljubka had to borrow small sums of money...
>>>Mother couldnt wait for two months more when I will go out Ilea, the
>>elder son, cries. - That new time... She couldnt accept it, especially
>>she retired... I think she didnt feel like living...
>>>As the years rolled the family has been getting poorer and poorer.
>>>When Mother retired, she was given a 1000 leave and we could buy would
>>coal for the winter Ilea remembers. Last winter we used electricity. Now
>>there is no electricity and no water. No saved money either... I wonder
>>my wife and the children will live with 17 leave per month...My girls have
>>to go to school, there is no money for anything..
>>>3 days dead Marina stayed in her room.
>>>At the end we thought of burying her in the garden. Worms have begun to
>>crawl out of her the son cries.
>>>The Ritual Homes in Rouse gave the lower offer for the burial 117 leva
>>for the grave, 35 leva for the coffin, 10 leva for transportation and 10
>>leva for a cross. To get the necessary 200 leva, roughly said, Ljubka
>>the TV set. With the money received she has paid the doctor also for the
>>death certificate. When the doctor has seen dead Marinka, she has
>>and run away. When I began shouting, they agreed the grave and the
>>transportation to be free of charge. We had to borrow only 35 leva for the
>>coffin Ilja explains.
>>>Not until June 24 at noon the poor woman, having suffered both in life
>>death, found at last peace in the earth.
>>>What about the future? Ljubka and her two teenager daughters will wait
>>two months for Ilja with only 17 leva per month social help. Ljubka will
>>continue to look in vain for some kind of work.
>>>Misery continues...
>>>Editorial comment:
>>>A woman from Rouse has died out of hunger at 57 years of age. The doctors
>>were dumbfounded at the autopsy: the womans body was small and shrunk:
>>as a body of a woman from a concentration camp. Her inner organs were in a
>>good condition but dried so much they could hardly be recognised. Marinka
>>Todorova died at 2 oclock a.m. on June 22. She died quietly. Without angry
>>cries of protest, without wails and tears. Without demanding anymore from
>>the money earned in her 40 years of work for that country. Without blaming
>>the ruling ones. Without cursing her Fate to be born in Bulgaria...
>>>4/ Is Bulgaria an Independent, Sovereign Country?
>>>Ha, ha!... said the Clown.
>>>(A line from a song.)
>>>A/ Look at point 2: Food prices, July-August, 2000; Cost of Living
>>>    Eleven years of democracy - USA style
>>>B/ Read this:
>>>On August 14 CIA head George Tenet made a round of the official Bulgarian
>>institutions under sever security measures. He spared 115 minute from his
>>most precious time for our statesmen. Tenet spoke to the President, the
>>Premier and the Minister of the Internal Affairs...
>>>Dimo Gjaurov, the Director of the Bulgarian National Investigation
>>and US Ambassador Richard Miles were constantly with the US Spy Number
>>>The official announcements declared that Tenet had discussed with our
>>>- the regional security in south-eastern Europe (i.e., the Balkans. Are
>>They going to obliterate the name as well?),
>>>- Bulgarian euro-atlantic integration (i.e., NATO integration), and
>>>- the fight with the transnational crimes and terrorism (but not the USA
>>one!)...  (Monitor, August 15 2000, leading article p.1)
>>>Some days later, on August 19, the daily Monitor announced in a leading
>>article again that 5 (five) businessmen were to be expelled from the
>>country. They have endangered the national security and have had
>>connections with the international criminal organisation. End of
>>>Were those five criminal and very dangerous businessmen Americans? NO!
>>>Were they Germans, French, Italians, English or Spanish? No!
>>>Were they all RUSSIANS? Yes, of course! YES!!!
>>>On August 21 the Bulgarian media commented the information.
>>>The daily 24 Hours: The CIA Boss declared that Sofia is a RRUSSIAN
>>spying centre. (p. 1, leading article)
>>>SEGA, August 22, p. 24: For those who do not know: even in the years of
>>the greatest dependence on the Soviet Union, KGB had not allowed itself to
>>declare Sofia for a USA spying centre.
>>>But Great Boss Tenet, US Errand Assassin Nr. 1 i.e., US Spy Nr.1, as the
>>Bulgarian media calls him, had more orders for General Atanas Atanasov,
>>of the Bulgarian Contra-Investigation Agency.
>>>Yesterday evening a TV speaker announced that more foreign businessmen
>>to leave Bulgaria for 7 days. They are a threat for the Bulgarian national
>>security too!
>>>Guess their nationality! If not RUSSIANS then - what?
>>>SERBS, of course!!! No doubt about it!
>>>...They have been breaking the sanctions against Yugoslavia, organising
>>export of forbidden goods or goods with possible double use.
>>>A check in the State Newspaper has revealed that the eight Serbs had
>>registered in Bulgaria after 1996. There is a speculation that some of
>>might be in contact with the Yugoslav Investigation Agency in Bulgaria.
>>> As a threat to the national security might be construed also the
>>for recruiting state institution employees and ordinary citizens. During
>>Kosovo crisis (i.e., US-NATO aggression against Yugoslavia!) the
>>of Internal Affairs declared that the participants in all the anti-US-NATO
>>protests were Serb mekereta. SEGA, August 23, p.1-2
>>>mekereta from mekare Turkish.
>>>1/ A beast of burden.
>>>2/ Bootlicker, flunkey (lackey), bastard (scoundrel, skunk, rat)
>>>So much for the Bulgarian open boundaries: opened for some, closed for
>>others - depending on the ethnic origin. (Hi, Amnesty International,
>>Helsinki Human Rights Watch, Women in Stripes and Stars forgive me, in
>>Black, etc.!)
>>>Where is Soros the Opened Soros the Great?
>>>Doesnt he hear? Doesnt he see?
>>>Or Soros the Vulture is highly paid
>>>Countries to open only to certain degree?
>>>As one of the Bulgarian Serb mekereta, I have a question to Tenet The
>>Errand Assassin Number 1:
>>>What are His Majestys orders concerning the Bulgarian Serb mekereta?
>>>Are we going to be expelled from Bulgaria too? Not likely.
>>>Then what? Threatened, arrested what?
>>>Or maybe silently extinguished in the dark of night, if we refuse to shut
>>>Only Tenet the US Errand Good Boy and CIA know... plus the ruling USA
>>mekereta in Bulgaria.
>>>By the way some bad boys and girls from the Bulgarian media have hinted
>>that Tenet the Professional Killer is of Albanian origin. (No wonder about
>>>Come on, Tenet, boy, say it! Nowadays it is a pride to be from the Great
>>Albanian Nation that is going to eat out the Balkans, as it seems the US
>>plans are.
>>>With the active passionate work of such like you and the Bulgarian USA
>>mekereta like all those in power at the moment plus valorous, most
>>independent General Atanas Atanasov!...
>>>So, after 200 years of Byzantine yoke and 500 years under Turkish yoke
>>Bulgaria has been enjoying USA yoke for more than ten years.
>>>No fear of century-long yoke. Americans are neither Byzantines nor Turks.
>>They have all the modern science last achievements at their disposal all
>>the economical, all the possible military means!...
>>>Besides, they have a passionate love for speed, in addition.
>>>Having in mind what is going on here in the last few months, we think
>>the local colonial administration boys have been rather severely scolded
>>Ugly Uncle for the Bulgarian tenacious love for life. They have surely
>>kicked into quickening up the desired extermination of the remaining
>>undesired population.
>>>And the well-paid Bulgarian puppets-on-a-string clicked heels, rolled
>>sleeves and energetically rushed to action!...
>>>Blagovesta Doncheva
>>>A Serb Mekere
>>>August 23, 2000
>>>Bulgaria, the Balkans
>>>(Still outside Albania! Still not a part of Turkey! Hurrah! Ah, ah...)
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