>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Blagovesta Doncheva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 12:54 PM
>>Subject: Elections, S24, Kostuniza Part I
>>>Part 1
>>>Kostunica: the New US Bait for the Serb People
>>>The international media excitedly distributed Mr. Kostunica statement
>>against US interference in Yugoslavia inner affairs (at the moment still
>>only in the coming Federal President Elections).
>>>He even called the World Peacemaker, USA, an evil for the Serbs.
>>>And charmed by his patriotic statements, one is apt to forget he is only
>>one of the so-called Serb Opposition two Candidates.
>>>He is Zoran Djindjic and Co.s candidate.
>>>Same Djindjic who has worn out his shoes soles to go to the
>>meetings with the USA Administration emissaries since the occupation of
>>Serb Province Kosovo in June 1999.
>>>Who has repeatedly shaken hands with Mrs. Mac Death Alldark and the other
>>Clinton Administration puppets on the string (the string being played on
>>the US transnational corporations especially those, connected with the
>>sophisticated weapon production, like Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing,
>>>Whom and his buddies the US Senate has voted thousands of US dollars
>>>Dear neighbours,
>>>Do not get carried away by sweet talks: it is time for cutting off
>>emotions it is time for a level commonsense logical thinking.
>>>Remember: not only your countrys future is at stake.
>>>The whole world is holding its breath now watching your steps!..
>>>I feel like sharing with you my reasoning concerning Kostunica, based on
>>experience as an activist of the Bulgarian Union of Democratic Forces
>>(known now as the Union of Demonic Forces) and my life in democratic
>>Bulgaria for more than ten years.
>>>There are two possible scenarios if Kostunica comes into power.
>>>First scenario: he proves to be really an honest person and patriot.
>>>But what do you think he will manage by himself - to do, notwithstanding
>>his eventual good intentions?
>>>Could he possibly provide an independence from the Globo Cop?
>>>Could he keep the US front line vultures, the International Monetary Fund
>>and the World Bank, outside your country?
>>>Could he keep Soros, that deadly pest of nowadays, on the outer side of
>>your boundaries?
>>>Would the Globo Cops highly paid lackeys like Djindjic let him do it?
>>>Would Globo Cops highly paid agents of his own let him do it?
>>>An example from Bulgaria ten year modern history.
>>>In that period of ten years there was only one attempt for a nation
>>responsible more independent ruling, carried out by a single person and a
>>handful of supporters. I have in mind Jan Videnov two-year rule.
>>>That young man had been a Bulgarian Premier in the period from 1994
>>(October-November) till December 1996.
>>>He was a Bulgarian Socialist Party Leader and the Bulgarian Socialist
>>government Premier after that party great election victory in October
>>>They had allowed the concentration of so much power in his hands sure
>>lackeys would easily manipulate him because of his being so young.
>>>But they had brought their goods to the wrong market.
>>>He proved to be first a Bulgarian, and then a member and leader of the
>>Bulgarian Socialist Party.
>>>After February 4 1997 a well-known Bulgarian intellectual, Mr.Hristo
>>Genchev, an architect by profession, wrote: The last nation-responsible
>>government has gone away...
>>>He was the only one in that ten-year period who had tried to fight IMF
>>>The only one who had shown he cared for his country and people.
>>>(And he was in power just in the period when the Big Brother Beyond the
>>Ocean needed servile governments in all the countries neighbouring
>>>Having in mind the planned assault against Yugoslavia, the Empire of Evil
>>could not take risks. Orders had been dutifully sent and the Bulgarian
>>political circus had been reopened with a flourish!
>>>Everybody jumped against the young Criminal! Not only the Union of
>>Forces but the people from his government and his party the Bulgarian
>>Socialist Party: i.e., all the US Bulgarian lackeys on both sides gobbling
>>hungrily at the US trough!
>>>After some months-orchestrated tension in the Parliament, the government
>>and inside the BSP, the first actual step has been taken: flour
>>magically from the market and a bread crisis had been burst in August
>>It provided the necessary tension and negative atmosphere of rejection
>>the population. The notorious bread crisis continued only some weeks and
>>then disappeared as magically as it had appeared! Presumably, that Circus
>>Director had decided the public was heated enough against the BSP Premier
>>and called withdrawal in expectation that Videnov would hand his
>>and step down.
>>>Again wrong calculation: Videnov stayed and continued fighting his very
>>lonely fight. Then the Russian governmental Mafia threaten him and served
>>his head on a tray to the Stars and Stripes just as later Chernomirdin did
>>with a whole country: Yugoslavia!
>>>He resigned but the US think-tanks dealing with the region had decided
>>that it would be more convenient for the US Balkans plans that the
>>Socialist Party should be kicked out of power and replaced by the Union of
>>Demonic Forces. It was certainly evaluated that UDF would support the
>>aggression against Yugoslavia without any voices of dissent, and would
>>readily provide all the necessary logistic collaboration or at least would
>>not create any problems during the long planned Great US Humanitarian War
>>the Balkans!
>>>So the US Ambassador, Mrs. Bowlen rolled her sleeves and stepped on it;
>>some of Mr. Tenets tough CIA boys rushed to help armed with those special
>>psychic weapons they know best about* - and UDF called the famous
>>meetings in January 1997! (Jumping-up meetings because their essential
>>part was the slogan: If You Do Not Jump, You Are Red! Those meetings were
>>called everyday near the Parliament the UDF leaders and speakers soon have
>>worn out their anticommunist repertoire, and took refuge in the quoted
>>slogan and started jumping eagerly in front of the crowds, making them
>>too. By the way, not so bad an idea: January 1997 happened to be rather
>>>The funniest thing was that both UDF and BSP came from the traitorous
>>Bulgarian Communist Party, and those from the UDF who jumped most eagerly
>>prove they were not red, were just the persons with many years communist
>>past and communist party work behind themselves. I am talking about people
>>in the periphery of the Bulgarian Communist Party Central Committee, of
>>Communist Secret Police Force agents, of paid Communist Party secretaries
>>different levels. ( Ivan Kostov, the UDF Bulgarian Premier now, has
>>several times for a membership of the Bulgarian Communist Party; his wife
>>and Mr. Sokolovs wife have been many years paid Communist Party
>>in Sofia Institutes Mr. Sokolov is the Bulgarian Parliament UDF head at
>>the moment, former UDF Minister of Inner Affairs and a high level UDF
>>>The last round of the January Revolution (they call that circus so!) had
>>been an orchestrated currency crisis a la Soros: $1 reached 3000 leva!
>>>- Certain people got very rich for hours only.
>>>- Other lost their many year savings for hours only.
>>>- Some credit millionaires woke up innocent like newly born babies: the
>>sums they had to pay back to the banks had melted away like last year
>>>- Some small shop owners went bankrupt.
>>>      And the ordinary Bulgarians started hating Videnovs guts and his
>>party just, as they should just according to plan!
>>>On February 4, 1997 BSP resigned and new parliamentary elections were
>>>Mr. Sofianski, the present Sofia mayor was appointed for a temporary
>>Premier till the elections, and immediately the US dollar most magically
>>fell to its old level well below 2 leva!
>>>And the Bulgarian public learned  - at last! who are the Good Boys, and
>>who the Bad Ones.
>>>Elections presented no problem.
>>>And Mrs. Bowlen clicked heels; reported task fulfilled and was assigned
>>a well- deserved higher post. The new Governor, Mr. Miles swam heavily
>>Belgrade and took to distributing power and money in Bulgaria, and
>>keeps the newly acquired US province in line.
>>>Videnov still keeps getting accused both from BSP and UDF for everything
>>negative happening here, surely the world in general together with the
>>Way, maybe. I would not be surprised if he gets accused also for the
>>food price raising, and even for the fires both in Bulgaria and USA to say
>>nothing about those in Greece!
>>>So much for Kostunicas chances if he happened to be really an honest
>>>Second possible scenario: Kostunica is the same shit as Djindjic and Co,
>>only his US trained and supported image-makers have advised him to talk
>>USA to make use of the bitterness and anti-US sentiments understandably
>>prevailing in Yugoslavia after the USA and NATO aggression, Kosovo
>>occupation, and the ethnic cleansing carried there by Thaci the Snakes
>>Great Albanian Warriors, KFOR, Koushner and his pay masters from USA.
>>>He will manipulate people before the elections and afterwards he will
>>them coldly into the teeth, and will start energetically licking the Ugly
>>Uncles boots. And if the Great Globalizer demands from him to level out
>>Belgrade to start building another Bondsteel just there, he, Djindjic and
>>will do it without batting an eye just as Kostov and Co (UDF) gave all the
>>possible corridors for US and NATO in that bloody spring of 1999 or
>>Parvanov and Co (BSP) turned to 180&#61616; at their Convention on April
>>6-7, 2000, and declared their passionate love for NATO!
>>>Then most of you will be very sorry for having given your votes for him,
>>but it will be too late.
>>>The same holds true for Drashkovics candidate Voislav Mihailovic.
>>Drashkovic is like a sunflower: always ready to turn to the sun, i.e., to
>>bent knee to the Power on a Rise. Against Milosevic, thinking wrongly he
>>weak enough to be kicked out and replaced with his own great person then
>>with Milosevic, because he has proved strong enough to keep the power last
>>against Milosevic again, writhing in front of Uncle Sam boots and kissing
>>hands to the Serb children Murderess, unique Mrs. Mac Death Alldark!...
>>could you expect from him and his candidate? He has many times proved that
>>he loves best Power with a capital P, not his country and his people!
>>>Drashkovic, the pitiable clown, who could not think of any other ways to
>>draw the public attention to himself, besides the laughable staged
>>assassination attempts!
>>>Come on, you cannot be serious!
>>>What will happen to you if you vote for Kostuniza-Mihailovic?
>>>What will happen to you under the IMF and WB yoke i.e., under the USA
>>>The same what is happening here.
>>>Here is some recent news from Bulgaria.
>>>1/ Health Reform
>>>In force since July 1, 2000.
>>>Its essence in few sentences:
>>>You are ill and you want to live? Then PAY!
>>>You cannot pay? Then DIE!
>>>The next one...
>>>A/ Monitor, Bulgarian daily, August 19, 2000, p. 9:
>>>Author: Al. Bozakov: A Woman Hanged Herself Because of the Health Reform
>>>... Marina Sh., 63 years, hanged herself in Harmanli on Thursday about 7
>>clock. She has left a letter.
>>>She had been operated from goitre, had diabetes, and suffered from high
>>blood pressure. Her knee had to be operated too.
>>>In her letter she wrote that her pension is only 46 leva ($1= 2.1429 leva
>>on August 18, 2000, Monitor p. 10). She could hardly live with it, she
>>could not allow herself the necessary treatment.
>>>So she reached for the rope...
>>>The funeral was yesterday.
>>>B/ Since July 1, the newspapers informed about several deaths lost lives
>>that could have been saved if the old system was functioning. People with
>>infarct have been left to themselves for hours, without qualified medical
>>help, notwithstanding the frantic efforts of their families. Doctors have
>>kept refusing to accept them because they have not figured in their lists
>>patients for which they are paid according to the new system...
>>>C/ A title in the weekly 168 chasa, July 14-20, p. 15: The Third City
>>Hospital will be closed... Thousands of Sofia Citizens Will Be Left
>>>No comment.
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