by Mahir Cayan

Ottoman empire continued:

***In the 18th century the centralist feudal state lost, bit by bit, its
influence in the interior, the regional powers became stronger. The
centralist feudal state was unable to make a stand because of the
foreign interventions, and therefore it allied with the foreign forces
and developed into a comprador state. As a result, two tendencies arose
in the privileged group of footman. This privileged top layer of
footman, which received their share from European capitalism, became,
together with the sultans' family, compradors very

The Galata-bankers, the compradorised palace and the top layer of the
footman (the feudal-compradors-state), which received considerable
shares from the Western exploitation, formed a coalition of privileged

The gang of lackeys who quickly lost their old privileges by the foray
of Western European capitalism and who therefore yearned for the old
"glorious" times which privileged them, were not very pleased with this
new development in the state. (The growing power of the regional forces
also played a role in this). With this yearning for the old privileged
days they, took a stand contrary to the feudal-comprador-tendency, at
first under the flag of "Osmanism", and later, influenced by the
nationalist tendencies in Europe, under the flag of "Turkism". However,
the goals of this group are always, according to their character,
indistinct and their actions did not have a immediate result. European
capitalism, which found its agents in this group, canalized them mostly
to pseudo-revolutionary goals - f.1st Turanism - by extending its
benefits. And from time to time they could even use them as a threat
against the reactions of the feudalists.

The results:

1) The stage of development in which the Osman state could have gone
over to capitalism by taken advantage of the geographic and technical
discoveries in Europe was overslept because of the weak auto-dynamics.
So it entered the phase of colonialisation.

2) Because of the characteristics of Osman feudalism (in a classical
sense the relations of feudalism with the serfs were not open and sharp
and internal exploitation was veiled and not very extreme), rebellion
never became tradition for the workers. Because the centralist feudal
state mainly practised the foreign foray and internal exploitation was
relatively hidden at the same time, and acted more softly, it could
appear to the Anatolian people
as a elevated father, a Saviour.

3) The enormous power of the central-feudal authority (the regional
powers were rather weak) brought a thought, a "idee fixe", to the masses
that the state authority was "invincible" and resistance against it
seemed "impossible" to them. Summarized: In this time, before the
compradorisation of the feudal state, the state appeared to the people
as "father of the people", as a "merciful state". In the time of the
comprador-feudal state the state became a tyrant again, but the idea of
"invincibility" and "resistance is useless"

However, during the first national liberation war the successful actions
of the Kuvay-i Milliye (Nation Liberation) against the feudal state,
which openly choose sides with the occupators, destroyed and washed away
this appearances of "invincible", "resistance is useless", and "a
God-given power" of the tyrannical Osman state.

4) Influenced by the internal and external dynamics a revolutionary
bourgeoisie did not develop from the womb feudalism. Their task was,
necessarily, taken up by petit-bourgeois intellectuals.


Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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