Reply to Yoshie Furuhashi, at [EMAIL PROTECTED], who wrote on the
25/9/2000 10:34:

> _If_ an Albanian movement for self-determination worthy of the
> support of the masses of people in the world arose, we would know it
> by its becoming America's official enemy.  As of now, such a movement
> doesn't seem to exist.

 It is true, without any reservation on my part, that the KLA could not
receive any support from Marxists, since it was not a movement for national
self-determination but rather an imperialist proxy army fighting for an
imperialist protectorate. Of course today it actually shares power directly
with imperialism in Kosovo and has thrown out around 300,000 Kosovars from
their nation.

 But Yoshie is completely and utterly wrong IMHO. Her logic here, which I
think is really alien to Marxism, is that if the imperialist position is 1
then we Marxists replace it with a 0. This is dialectics for vulgar

 No doubt she will pledge her support for the right of Irish national
self-determination, as I myself staunchly do, regardless of the fact in two
inter-imperialist wars, they received aid from German imperialism - and yes,
that means the Nazis in WWII. No doubt she would have been a staunch
supporter of the Yugoslav Partisans who led the Revolution there despite the
fact they were provided with aid from British imperialism, both with arms
and funds. But by such logic, these are all tools of imperialism, and since
they have "prostituted" themselves to imperialism, we immediately replace
the imperialists' 1 with a 0 and oppose the Irish national struggle and the
leaders of the Yugoslav Revolution. Hey, Yoshie, the Soviet Union was
actually allied and fought alongside British and American imperialism -
thereby, death to the pro-imperialist Soviet Union!

 Well I'm glad revised dialectics has been clarified. If it's a 1 then our
position is a 0. If they say black, we say white. If they say it's an apple,
we say it's a banana. If they say it's a cat, we say it's a dog. If they say
it's the sky, we say it's the ground.

 Thereby those pro-imperialist Partisans should have burned in hell,
n'est-ce pas?


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