Okay, if you don't reject the general right of Albanian Kosiovar 
selfdetermination we obviously don't have a problem here. Before I start to 
polemicize let me however ask you what you mean by 'orthodoxy' here. If you 
think that the reason why I support this right (which does not mean that I 
support the UCK today even militarily let alone politically)is that I think 
Lenin and/or Trotzky said so and so you are wrong. Both have erred on a number 
of issues now and again, but I still think that the logic of Lenin's and 
Trotzky's practical approach to this question is convincing. Let me just say 
that I don't see that we can build an effective front against the worldwide 
capitalist system and the imperialist forces if we don't support causes we 
regard as just ones only because imperialism tries to instrumentalize them. How 
do you think we can break the masses from imperialism if we allow them to get 
the impression that it is imperialism which is in favour of their 
democratic rights while the 'left' is supporting their immediate oppressors? 
This is for me the fundamental issue. We are not at all talking about any 
progressivness in new national states or (apart from the point that they may 
draw hitherto unengaged masses into politics) of bourgeois nationalism as a 
solution to anything. The crucial question is how to win over the masses who 
fight for some immediate democratic goals and not let them be manipulated by 
bourgeois misleaders. Is this question a rigid blueprint from orthodoxy?
A. Holberg

Tony Abdo schrieb:
> A. Holberg maintains that I reject the idea of Albanian Kosovar
> self-determination.     This is simply not true.     Though I think that
> it is the height of idiocy to advance this demand worldwide, when the
> imperalist countries were attacking the right to self determination of
> Yugoslavia.     The context and timing of raising political demands
> seems to totally bypass the comprehension of comrades that want to read
> from rigid blueprints of orthodoxy.
> All of which leads to the further elaboration of my previous comments
> that Yoshie asked for.     Yes, I did have a proposal in my earlier
> comments about the Yugoslav election results.
> Let me restate once again what I was calling for.....    We in the
> industrialized imperialist countries have to create a vanguard antiwar
> front, that is willing to struggle against the support our own working
> classes give to imperialist interventions.
> This antiwar coalition must be built on opposition to the military that
> our national groups of workers continue to support.     And it must be a
> coalition that is built to oppose our governments, and not just to cheer
> on outside forces, whether they be Fidel, Milosevic, the Sandanistas,
> the Zapatistas, or others.
> To build this antiwar force we will come into direct competition with
> other comrades working from a rigid blueprint of orthodoxy, just like A.
> Holberg wants to continue doing.     The blueprint they use states that
> all opposition against capitalism MUST come from the working class.
> Therefore that's where they head off to, the national working classes
> that support US military terrorism against other national working
> classes.
> Let me make this perfectly clear.     People and groups like Doug
> Henson, Ralph Nader, Solidarity, Labor Militant, the SWP, the CP, the
> DSP, the SP, and etc. and so on, are not going to be our allies in this
> project.     They are not going to be wiling to buck heads with the
> hacks and backward sections of the working class, nor spend the time and
> effort to do the hard and initially unrewarding work, to get this effort
> off ground.
> Luckily, any effort to organize this committed antiwar coalition will
> meet with the support of hundreds of thousands of Left activists that
> are opposed to US military use around the world.      They exist
> already.      My proposal is to merely form the coalition framework that
> can organize this opposition into coherent and vocal protest against ALL
> the US wars.
> The truth is, that this antiwar alliance already exists in embryonic
> form, via the existance of the religious Left groups, the Anarchist
> groups, Jared's grouping, the Colombia Suppot Network, and the IAC.
> How can we get them to work together in joint and coordinated projects?
> Quite simply we have to build alliance that can get each to stop
> hyperfocusing on only one element of the activities of US imperialism.
> They must come together in joint and focused action against WAR
> sponsored by the US.
> Tony Abdo
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