Getting back to the government we've go now though we spoke about the 
question a lot of people ask; "Why after 20 years of a sinister Tory 
Government, and then obtaining a Labour government with a massive majority 
(remembering they've spent 20 year in the wilderness talking about the evils 
of a capitalist Tory government). Have they dropped all their principles and 
changed so much"?Mensi angrily talked about the face that they've got a 
"cushy" now. They have a fixation with privatisation because they've seen the 
success of the Tories making the rich, richer. They amazingly don’t want to 
upset a few people by lessening the gap between rich and poor.Is this what 
Labour are talking about when they burble on about new deals between industry 
and workers? More wage cuts/freezes, less trade union rights (in reality). 
You can’t upset a few industrialists, but you can upset millions of workers 
who voted for you to help them.

Mining was important around the North East and Mensi was a miner, I spoke to 
him and Kid Stoker about the miners strike.Mensi's blunt, straight to the 
point, mode kicked in. He quickly put the blame on the Labour Party for the 
failure of the strike. He did say though it did flush out the real enemies of 
the miners, people. He did regard thought that the Heath government in the 
1970's had this idea of running the mining industry; but still believes 
though that Neil Kinnock quite ably abetted Thatcher's brainstorm of 
splitting the Trade Union movement, hammering whole working class communities 
into the ground.He did quote "Not the Welsh windbag; but scumbag".

Kid Stoker had a lot to say about this subject that always hits a nerve with 
a lot of miners; especially North East working class people. Kid Stoker 
emphasised this with telling us about the benefit gigs they played; the gigs 
were on the front line. It was their communities, if you were lucky you left 
school and obtained work in the mines. He spoke of personal contributions 
from people who lost homes due to striking for their jobs, their future. 
Non-political people were turned into flying pickets.Kid Stoker spoke about 
the incident that really stood out during the miners strike. During the end 
of the strike, asleep one morning, he was suddenly woken up by a loud roar. 
It was the sound of men, striking Wearmouth miners. 

The scab bus had turned up for work with the usual 200 police escort, he 
couldn't see anything but hear. "And that cry, that roar of men, confirmed to 
me, then more than ever, the sheer power of working men." "It was the sheer 
realisation of the power of the working class and when the power is truly 
harnessed when that roar becomes truly unified, then the whole world will 
hear it."

Someone has to sort out problems, we have many in this country, who would you 
like to see as prime minister to tackle them."Arthur Scargill" Mensi said in 
an answer quick enough to be given on a prize show. (As long as it wasn't a 
Jimmy Tarbuck, Ted Rodgers, Paul Daniels, Bob Monkhouse one!)Kid Stoker 
replied "Tony Benn"; he said he'd like to see Alistair Campbell try and spin 
Tony Benn out of his crease.

One question though I was nagging to ask the panel; was a question that even 
Colombo wouldn't even be able to work out! Tony Blair recently said that 
class divisions are over now, class isn’t an issue any more.I don't 
understand. I am working class and so are you Mensi and Kid Stoker. So if 
class isn't an issue, and divisions are over why is…

1. Grants being abolished (only people with a lot of money can get higher 

2. Trade Union rights being watered down in various ways (new titles, new 
deals, working councils instead of unions). I thought you needed unions to 
watch over working people. The ones that are unfortunately low paid etc. 
Aren't they usually working class.

3. A Small but over looked point; if class isn't an issue  then and there's 
no divisions (as in the word division _ act of dividing, barrier, section) 
Why on our railway carriages, (well used to be ours until we had them sold 
off) do we have first and second class apartments. Why are we also reminded 
of our class divisions on the train over the tannoy about services you can 
get from first class apartments?Or does the new government look at the word 
division in other terms (Army unit, method of finding how many times one 
number is).

Mensi did give an answer, a short one. "Tony has his head stuck…"

So after that short answer I asked Mensi what does the future hold for the 
working class in this country?He sadly replied that the working class has 
been eroded in this country, they're becoming dinosaurs. Tony Blair wants the 
working class to be unchallenging and quiet proles.I thought that's what 
Margaret Thatcher wanted?

Ireland was mentioned and Mensi sprang into action, "love to see a united 
Ireland". Although he thought the Conservatives got the ball rolling with the 
idea; not through humanitarian values, but due to the sheer cost of the 
operation to the British government with occupying Ireland.He did have 
another point to make; he was urging support for the Republican movement in 
Ireland. He said the left supported nearly ever left rebel organisation 
throughout the world; but tended to neglect the movement in Ireland. Which 
was one of the most strongest socialist movements; evolved from great 

Racism and fascism was next on the menu; starters were finished. We're now on 
the main course; I asked Mensi about what was happening in Europe. 
Particularly in the Czech Republic where a so called western liberal 
democracy; was having walls built round so called "decent citizens in the 
community". This was to keep them separated from Romaine's. Worryingly Mensi 
stated that people are so ignorant of history; haven't they learned enough 
from the past, a lack of education is partly to blame.Mensi quoted "It takes 
10 hours of counter knowledge to balance one hour of fascist propaganda"."The 
simplest lies are the easiest to believe"; he said.

I then asked Mensi about his involvement with Anti-Fascist Action; why did he 
become involved. He had been attacked physically and verbally by the far 
right. He quoted the first attack was around 1978 by the Young National Front.

Another subject I knew Mensi would have at least a little to say about was 
the subject of the police authorities in this country. At least two tracks by 
the Angelic Upstarts have set the agenda on this subject; the tracks "Police 
Oppression" which quotes ["I just can't take much more of this oppression, 
I'm going off my head and going for aggression"]"The Murder of Liddle Towers" 
a classic song asking how and who killed this gentleman while in police 
custody.Mensi's thoughts especially about the Stephen Lawrence murder was one 
of respect to the Lawrence family. He wasn't surprised about the police 
actions but was surprised by the sheer amount of determination, courage and 
doggedness of the Lawrence family.Mensi quoted "The police have never changed 
since they supported the Blackshirts".

Asking Mensi about the world in general; he would like to see Britain be part 
of Europe. For cultures to be shared, he did think people in Europe were a 
lot more relaxed than people in Britain. He urged people to travel; to break 
down barriers.Modern eastern Europe wasn't left out; was eastern Europe a 
better place now the wall had been knocked down. Are people better off? Or 
have they been conned and betrayed.He thought eastern Europe was now part of 
the western disease. "It's a disgrace what's happened to eastern 
Europe/Soviet Union. They've had their taste; crime, drugs and the rise of 
fascism in the so called western liberal democracies." And "Boris Yelsin is a 
bigger crook than Thatcher."He thought Gorbachoff was an honest man who 
wanted a gradual change; but who was betrayed."Gorbachoff wanted new wheels 
and tyres. But Yelsin hijacked; took over, and still ended up with a broken 
down Lada."

Conspiracy theories; we see plenty of films about them. People are writing 
books about them. Perhaps there's always been someone watching over us from 
the year man was created.Mensi warned us that the computer age is here; big 
brother is watching you and it won't be long before everything is monitored. 
Anyone with conflicting views is a heretic: ie. Anti fascists, socialists.I 
thought CCTV was to stop crime, I thought computers were to benefit mankind, 
supermarket saver cards to help loyal shoppers to save money. So what was the 
poll tax for, credit debit cards for, mobile phones for?!

The chat went into lighter discussion and questions were asked about the 
future of the Angelic Upstarts. Mensi told me he still has the urge to go on; 
he still thinks there is something to say. People are listening; he does want 
to stop but the magic keeps the urge ticking over. He would love a son to 
take up the feat his father has endured all these years.He won't force 
messages down his sons' throat; all he'll teach him is fair play and not to 

New album in the pipeline?The new album is to be an anti fascist album; no 
confusion about it being anti fascist. He did add that he still considers 
himself to be non-political, and no political allegiance to anyone. And 
doesn't regard anti fascism as political, but as a civil right.Well if 
Mensi's not political, I'd hate to meet anyone who is! 

I asked if he had any regrets during his life. He did; a big regret. He spoke 
about that he wished he'd not been in the neutral corner in the early days. 
He was anti fascist; but he tried not to anger the far right lyrically in 
songs, and to entertain (as in being near, same are etc) as the far right 
involved in gigs etc.He tried to keep the violence away but after threats, 
physically and verbally he could no longer take that line.He said that AFA 
were a necessary organisation that needs to be supported by all rank and 
file. He also said that AFA wouldn't exist if it weren't for the far right.

His final few messages were of worry for the working class in this country, 
he gave some advice to them "Look into the murkyness and cloudiness of the 
seat; keep on enquiring  and asking"He worried about the lack of work for the 
working class. He said that people should work but where's the posters 
telling you where to go. Not a computerised dummy run unemployment centre 
that is trained in how many ways to tell you that you should have a job; but 
we haven't any or many here.Where have all the industries gone? Mensi spoke 
of the times he goes into the unemployment office and asks them the 
questions; find me work, where's the work.Where do the kids go now? Crime?

Mensi had a message for the Morning Star "Hope that the Morning Star keeps 
going; an alternative voice it must carry on and it is needed"He said he 
wouldn't hesitate to support the Star because it needs to be supported.

Kid Stoker's final words of advice were 1. Join a Union. 2. Vote Labour. 3. 
Never trust a Tory.

I will say or add a little to that quote; isn't voting Labour trusting a Tory?

But thanks go to Mensi and Kid Stoker; but also to the Angelic Upstarts, Red 
London and Red Alert for their great support. Cheers Lads.

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