eric tron schrieb:
> >From: "Kurt Andreassen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Åge Hjalmarsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Eric Tron de Bouchony" 
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Marvin Rabinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Palestine Destroyed Villages (1948)
> >Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 13:21:18 +0100
> >
> >Palestine: Destroyed Villages (1948)
> >Palestine: Destroyed Villages (1948)
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> >"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even 
> >know the names of these Arab villages, and I don't blame you because 
> >geography books no longer exist, not only do the boooks not exist, the Arab 
> >villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz 
> >Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and 
> >Kefar Yehushu'a in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not one single 
> >place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."
> >[ Moshe Dayan, in Haifa, quoted by Ha'aretz, April, 4 1969. Reproduced by 
> >Ed Walid Khalidi in the book "All That Remains - see below]
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> >Most of the data here come from the book All That Remains (Ed. Walid 
> >Khalidi, ISBN 0-88728-224-5, published by The Institute for the Palestine 
> >Studies.
> >The map was based on one prepared by Dr Ghazi Falah (appears in black and 
> >white in the book appendix).
> >Also, info is ocasionally taken from The Arabic desk reference: Mu'jam 
> >Buldaan Filastiin (Muhammad Shurrab). More sources may be used later on.
> >   a.. Detailed Map of cleansed villages (with color coded index by 
> >district) [65 KB]
> >   b.. Destroyed Village by map index
> >   c.. Charts of the construction of Israeli settlements in Palestine. 
> >There is little doubt that no room is left! The charts were captured from 
> >an ActiveX map by Microsoft on MSNBC in April. Each map is 45-50 KB in 
> >size.
> >     a.. as of 1914
> >     b.. as of 1948
> >     c.. as of 1977 (areas occupied in 1967 only)
> >     d.. as of 1997 (same areas as above)
> >   d.. Picture of a typical village ruins (Al-Zuq al-Fawqani - Safad, in 
> >1987, from W. Khalidi, 42 KB)
> >   e.. (a little graphic): Cleansing graves as well(This skull floats in 
> >Balad al-Shaykh, or its ruins, as of 1987. Same sources, 52 Kb)
> >   f.. Village Names sorted by district with English names (Arabic names 
> >planned), population (1944/45) and name(s) of Israeli settlements on their 
> >ruins.
> >   Note: the No. from Map refers to the map above.
> >     1.. Akka (Acre) District (if you have Arabic support with your 
> >browser, try this Akka District list - it has the village names in Arabic)
> >     2.. Baysan District
> >     3.. Gaza (Ghazzah) District
> >     4.. Bi'r As-Sab' (Beersheeba) District
> >     5.. Haifa District
> >     6.. Al-Khalil (Hebron) District
> >     7.. Al-Quds (Jerusalem) District
> >     8.. Safad District
> >     9.. Ar-Ramla District
> >     10.. Tabariyya (Tiberias) District
> >     11.. An-Naasira (Nazareth) District
> >     12.. Tulkarm District
> >     13.. Jenin District
> >     14.. Yaffa District
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> >© 1997 - Palestine-Net
> >Back to Palestine-Net Home
> >
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