The political prisoners and convicts who on October 20, 2000 started an
indefinite hunger strike action have turned it into a DEATH FAST since
November 19, 2000. The political prisoners are marching toward death, body
cell by body cell, in order to have the Cell-Type Prisons closed, and say
that "before all else I will resist the isolation cells for the sake of
honour and my moral values. I think that morality is a matter of resisting
the cells. I cannot conceive of a life alone and separate from human beings
and those I love. I will not go into the cells even if I die here." The
following words belong to them.
Ahmet IBILI: " (.) Today the prisons are a focus of the war of our people
with imperialism and collaboration. The 'F' Type prisons are a symbol of
this war. For this reason we are not only for the closure of the 'F' Type
prisons but will be the hope and future of our people. (.) The duty falls to
us to repel this attack that imperialism and the oligarchy are directing at
our people and our revolution. The duty will be performed by approaching
death day by day."
Muharrem GENC: " (.) I have been through many acts of resistance in the
prisons up to the present. While living through that I learned that we would
win every time we resisted. We will win today as well. This victory is very
valuable and important for us. Yes, there will be manoeuvres by the enemy,
and this resistance will be very difficult. But the enemy is not strong
enough to prevent our victory. We will win the victory by shaking the enemy
with our martyrdom. I will not hesitate to fall a martyr when my time comes.
Ali Riza DEMIR: " (.) In this action, I am aware of being on a mission in
Turkey today. Against the liquidation offensive of bourgeois ideology, we
are holding firm to our position and marching on our path directly onward.
When the enemy in the prisons shouts, "Surrender," our comrades proudly
shout back, "We will die but we will not surrender." With the banner of our
Death Fast attack we will once again pull down the enemy's towers. (.)"
Ahmet IBILI: " (.) At the same time, this is a period of purification.
Whoever is or is not revolutionary, whoever is or is not waging the struggle
of the people, whoever does or does not want revolution and socialism will
come to light, and the hypocritical masks will fall away. Everybody will be
placed in the right category. I am not writing as someone for whom these
facts are external to myself. I am writing as someone who has a place in
this war and will have a place in this war. (.)"
Ahmet OZDEMIR: " (.) And of course the form this action will take will be
the Death Fast. Our action will be a powerful resistance of long-term and
historical importance. The oligarchy said that 'without order in the prisons
there can be no order in Turkey,' and built the 'F' Type coffin prisons to
say 'surrender', preparing them as a comprehensive attack, and with our
resolution to sacrifice ourselves and belief in victory, we will deal them
another blow and force them to their knees. This is the only thing that is
certain. (.)"
Ergul ACER: " (.) This time the form the attack takes is the isolation
cells. This attack is on the people and the revolution. Those who want
surrender are those who want to wear down the people. The revolutionary
struggle is what they want to destroy, eliminate, force back. It is an
attack on the homeland. This is a fight for honour and justice. (.)"
Gulay KAVAK: " (.) The contra-guerrilla state is trying to make us abandon
our political identity and beliefs. With the cell-type prisons they have
prepared a strategy of the offensive. They are trying to make us surrender,
they are trying to destroy the hopes of our people for liberation and hopes
for socialism. They will never succeed. (.)
Osman OSMANAGAOGLU: " (.) The cell-type prisons policy is a strategic step
towards an offensive by the Susurluk state to make an entire people as a
whole surrender, and especially the revolutionary captives. (.) The cell
offensive is not only limited to the revolutionary captives in the prisons,
the aim is to make the entire people surrender. (.) We will smash the cells
which are the means to make the revolutionary captives and the people
surrender, smashing them over the heads of those who ordered them built, and
we will do this by laying down to die, by our martyrs, our people and our
families (.)"
Veli GUNES: "(.) In order to make the masses of people surrender, the
oligarchy is trying to strengthen its rule by making the revolutionaries
surrender with these 'F' Type prisons. While on the one hand it carries out
massacres in the prisons, on the other it is attacking the most basic
demands of the people. In order to abolish these policies of the enemy, I
completely agree with my comrades that we will achieve it through the Death
Fast as far as the prisons are concerned. (.)
Yildiz GEMICIOGLU: "(.) They are trying to bring about the surrender of our
revolutionary identity, our honour, our humanity, our personality. In order
to hold our heads high, no matter what the cost, to hold our heads high in
front of our families, our people and the history of humanity, all this
depends on now repelling the state's offensive which is using the cells. We
will demand a reckoning with our deaths for our massacred and tortured
comrades in Ulucanlar, Burdur and Bergama. (.)
Zeynep ARIKAN: "The policy of the cells has been on our agenda for a long
time. We have been discussing it. The idea of the Death Fast has been on my
mind for a long time. The enemy thinks that their policy of going on the
offensive will succeed. (.) As happened in 1996, we will defeat the enemy
while the enemy are preparing for victory and while he has gone to work
filled with the hope of victory. I believe this."
Suat KARABULUT: ". Now I am very close to our martyrs and also to victory.
However, until now I kept our martyrs alive in my heart and in my life. My
comrades will do the same for me. I will be buried in the hearts of my
comrades during this magnificent struggle. What a happy thing for me and all
of us. How fortunate for revolutionaries who rush towards immortality in
order to make life flow as it should..."
Irfan ORTAKCI: ". As part of this, the model they call the 'F' Types is
being kept on the agenda. Certainly this is not the first time we have
confronted such an attack. We encountered it during September 12 (the 1980
military coup), we came up against it in the 1990s, and each time we emerged
triumphant. (.) Drawing lessons from past defeats, they are taking pains to
make their attacks more comprehensive and more organised. They are maturing
their use of all means of communication like the press, television and
radio, and are trying to subjectively make the cells appear justified. From
our point of view this will not be an easy victory. We will pay new prices
and create new traditions. No victory is won without paying a price."
Cihan SEKER: ". A very difficult period lies ahead and the reality is that
we will pay a heavy price. For years the enemy has dreamed of a policy to
bring about surrender, and today this takes the form of the 'F' Type cells.
The enemy will attack in a more comprehensive fashion, angered by past
defeats. Whatever form it takes, we will experience a wave of attacks. As in
the past, at the price of our own bodies, today we will make the enemy taste
defeat again. (.)"
Ozgur SONER: " . I am conscious of what calculations have been made by the
enemy concerning the Free Captives and the revolutionary movement in Turkey,
and this policy of the cell-type prisons, and I am conscious of what this
attack means. (.) The resistance and our victory over the offensive of the
enemy will not only be the gain of ourselves, the captives. Our victory will
be the victory of the Anatolian people. (.) I believe in the excellence of
cheerfully running towards death without hesitation whenever dying is
Temel CAGIRTEKIN: " . We know the real aim and target of the coffins which
have continuously been on the agenda for a long time and been presented
before public opinion as a 'cell-type' and 'room system'. They have already
taken the first step with the Tripartite Protocol. The conditions to attack
the prisoners have been created and brought on to the agenda on a continual
basis. (Amnesty, new cell systems, etc.) We revolutionary captives know the
dimension and the targets of this offensive. (.) Also today, I believe in
historic duty such as the Death Fast, I believe it will be on the agenda in
the forthcoming period, and with this consciousness, I believe in accepting
it as my duty and with such an offensive, we will smash the cell-type
coffins of the enemy. "
Hasan GUNGORMEZ: "We are in a new period. The enemy hopes to make us
surrender and once again places the cells on the agenda. He is preparing
more seriously and comprehensively. We also know the importance of the
period. We are aware of our mission of being the leadership, and we have
prepared ourselves in accordance with this. No matter what the form of the
offensive will be, we will win. We have no other alternative."
Esma ARSLANBOGAN: " . Again since the beginning, I have been feeling that
they can never put us into the cells."
Murat OZTEN: " . Of course, we will achieve victory at great cost and by
raising the revolutionary will comprehensively. I am conscious of all of
this. I know that the period calls for determination and self-sacrifice on a
limitless scale, and I am ready to provide this with my mind, my heart and
my body, with whatever I have."
Sinan EREN: " . During the time I was involved in the struggle, we took part
in many acts of resistance and we achieved victory by defeating death. This
resistance will be the most magnificent and I am proud to be part of it (.)
We completely believe that we will achieve victory. We will display the kind
of resistance created by the Death Fast, Ulucanlar and all our other
martyrs. Everybody should know for certain that we will not hesitate to look
death in the face, like Berdan and like Mujdat.
Zehra KURTAY: " (.) I feel no hesitation on the subject of victory. I can
see the victory now. We will show everybody that we will pay the price but
they will not finish us off, they will not finish off revolutionism on the
soil of this country. Everyone will learn this truth once again. Again we
will create a legend with our blood and our lives."
Umut SAHINGOZ: "(.) Before all else I will resist the cells for the sake of
honour and my moral values. I think that morality is a matter of resisting
the cells. I cannot conceive of a life alone and separate from human beings
and those I love. I will not go into the cells even if I die here."
Hasan PINAR: " (.) Fundamentally everything is very clear. The enemy says
that to be able to continue in power he will destroy you, if he could not he
would try to weaken you. That is, to continue his own authority he makes use
of every form of oppression, trick and demagogy. Although he is neither just
nor legitimate he is trying to appear resolute. (.) I volunteer to repel the
attacks which take the form of the cell-type prisons."
Mehmet ZINCIR: " (.) The enemy seems resolute but we too are resolute. Once
again we will defeat them. I believe in victory. I believe we will defeat
Ali SANLI: " (.) I say, hello victory, welcome death, to say more is
unnecessary, we will win."
The political captives and convicts carried out an Indefinite Hunger Strike
action for 30 days, have turned this is into a death fast and have declared
in a formal statement to the Justice Ministry that unless their demands are
granted they reject any kind of medical intervention.
In the political captives' formal statement to the Justice Ministry it is
" (.) On October 20, 2000 I started an Indefinite Hunger Strike resistance
and have continued it since then with the demands given below. Within the
Indefinite Hunger Strike and Death Fast resistance, if I lose consciousness
or am in a condition where I am not able to express my own will, so long as
the demands for which our resistance has been waged have not been accepted
and our resistance has not yielded a result, I refuse to accept any form of
medical intervention. At the moment of writing this text I am in full
possession of my faculties and am in full command of my own will (.)" In
saying this, they yet again stressed their own resolution.

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