While Martin obviously has a interpretation different from the Trotzkyist one of 
what Stalinist means, you say that you are proud to be a Stalinist. May I ask 
you if this implies that you are proud to belong to a current which has murdered 
probably more communists (many of them devoted Stalinists) than Hitler?
A. Holberg


red-rebel schrieb:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Communards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You may excuse that I am a bid astonished about the way you
> communicate with each other. I am in this list not very long, much
> shorter as I am being in [EMAIL PROTECTED], much shorter then in
> others. I have sofar, if I am right, not written any statement here.
> So you might take this as my virgin and innocent view, that all
> concerned in the matter are acting like idiots.
> First of all it seems to me as being totally false to compare in
> anyway Stalin with Hitler. That is bourgoise history, some sort of
> putting analysis on a moralic level, which in return (that is
> dialetic) becomes an immorally result. The age of Stalinism is much
> more complicated and should be handled with any respect for the way
> of historic analysis we normally use.
> Owen Jones is not an idiot from the next corner. Have non of you ever
> lost his temper in any discussion? I did. Not that I am saying that
> is o.k., but it happens. Should everybody be expelt from discussion
> who shows human behaviour. Loosing ones temper is just human. To ask
> for excuse is human as well.
> I am neither a Stalinist, nor I am a Trotzkist. I am one of those
> yesterdays people still believing that the Soviet Union, the GDR and
> the other socialist States were one of the main steps forward for
> mankind. Even if I know that among the rest of this list only a few
> will have the same view on that, I would like to ask you not to
> behave as is you made three steps back in evolution.
> Martin
> Well comrade, I think you'll find that in the eyes of our Trotskite friends,
> your support of the socialist system in the GDR and USSR very much makes you
> a "Stalinist", no matter what your actual position on Stalin is.
>  Personally speaking, I am proud to be a Stalinist!
> Regards,
> James
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Visit http://www.communards.de for information of struggles worldwide.
> Post your events at http://metaevents.com/Communards/calendrome.cgi
> Send information for mailings to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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