For the `record', and in the spirit of *Leninist* Glasnost-

What is actually amusing about all this is that Owen and/or Steve believe I actually
am concerned about the semite issue. I am not the slightest concerned about whether
or not they think the CPRF is home to many anti-Semites, or that this is the worst
thing going. This is entirely about whether or not people on this list can discuss
matters with decorum and attempt to get somewhere. People who are career sectarians
don't know it. I've been in that headspace where all around you are a host of Marxist
"enemies", and not potential comrades. So be it he thinks this political. I forward
this (and this is the last thing I forward from Meyers) so no one worry about what is
being hidden from them. After that, I am asking Yoshie and Mine that we end
discussion of the whole matter. We may not yet, but I hope so. Johannes was right
about one thing in his letter to the list, that being my inexperience. But I learn
very fast.

Good night,
and to all who are getting as bored with this as I- thank you for your patience. All
storms do indeed subside.

Macdonald Stainsby,
Leninist International

And now the rant:

Dear Owen and Johannes,
            The banning of me and the suspension of Owen from L-I list is
clear political anti-Leninist censorship. This is very obvious to anyone.
Below is a response I just sent to Yoshie, who I do not know enough about, to
write such a mail as this to you two.

There are many such Marxist lists, and they are, in my opinion, the property
of us all. I am going to use all these lists, and various other forums, to
attack the injustice meted out to me and Owen. I do know how to use the
internet to launch such a campaign - that is how ISWoR was built. But I would
like the support of you both for this - and also I would like your opinions
on the whole thing, before I begin.

warm regards - Steve.


Subj:   Yoshie - you are a moderator.
Date:   17/01/01

In a message dated 17/01/01 18:40:35 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Steve wrote:
>  >In particular Owen, your description of the KPRF as
>  >more of a reactionary danger to the Russian working class than even
>  >Kremlin, is very factual, considered and well thought out.
>  The above is a mistaken estimation of the balance of power,
>  contradicted by the statement below:
Owen wrote:
>  >They do advocate a cleaner, more stable and properly
>  >functioning capitalist system; but Putin has stolen their thunder in this
>  >respect with a concerted attempt to stabilise Russian capitalism, with
>  >certain measures against sections of the oligarchy and a policy of firm
>  >centralisation, as well as severe measures against the Russian
>  >with a new Labour Code straight out of Tsarist law books.
>  Yoshie

      Because I actually do consider the CPRF red-browns, and the RKRP to be
objectively red-brown - and there is much evidence to point so - I cannot
answer you on L-I. I know that Johannes does not agree with a life-ban or any
ban by Macdonald, against me - and you are both moderators. Were you a
participant in all this?

And this nonsense that Owen should be banned for 2 weeks "until he cools
down" - but he has not even got a little warm?! He put out one good document,
that is all. It is because he politically disagree's with the narrow
political line of one or two moderators.

Are you going to stand for this? No one can hardly think that referring to an
'old goat' against someone who patronisingly tries to dismiss Owen as "al
lad, 16", is flaming - Macdonald is clearly censoring serious Marxist
arguments. I am a Leninist and proud of it! I also think Trotsky was the
greatest revolutionary leader after Lenin in the last century. Every day,
through International Solidarity with Workers in Russia, which I co-founded,
I do practical work in support of actually existing workers' struggles. Last
summer I organised and drove the only Russian Marxist Duma Deputy around
Britian and Europe - a deputy who is a leader of workers' struggles and of
the Zaschita union.

This will not stop here - in a few days a campaign will be launched. L-I list
moderators are going to have to answer for this - and I think you and
Johannes should get it reversed asap - because your names are being dragged
through the mud here, not mine at all.

regards - Steve

ps - you say of my praise of Owen's piece that

>> >  The above is a mistaken estimation of the balance of power,
>  contradicted by the statement below: <<

No mistake - the KPRF is the biggest political and social organisation in
Russia. It will long outlive Putin, even though it is in decay. If the
material base of the existence of classic Stalinism is the bureaucracy, ie a
caste ruling over and eating away the workers' state (which they destroyed in
the end) - and now that this material base is gone, they are objectively
playing the role of the destroyed middle-classes, the petty-bourgeoisie in
Germany after 1929, who made up the organising social base of fascism.

*Snip* due to operating of L-I scanning material.
Macdonald Stainsby

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