Just for the record, I have been pressing for the removal of Steve Myers for a long 
My mail box was locked since Monday due to problems in my mail server.Since then, I 
not keep in touch (and will do so because of  my *f* but loving proposal) . From what I
see, Myers has no positive contribution here except for engaging in sectarian personal
affronts and associating socialism with right wingism, worse with fascism and
anti-Semitism. I guess the same comrades still don't get that what we are dealing in
Russia are bourgeois politics and US imperialism, not mass fascism. We will move 
I hope, without petty consideration for whether Russia is moving in the direction of
fascism or not.

I thank you for your patience in advance concerning Myers!



Macdonald Stainsby wrote:

> For the `record', and in the spirit of *Leninist* Glasnost-
> What is actually amusing about all this is that Owen and/or Steve believe I actually
> am concerned about the semite issue. I am not the slightest concerned about whether
> or not they think the CPRF is home to many anti-Semites, or that this is the worst
> thing going. This is entirely about whether or not people on this list can discuss
> matters with decorum and attempt to get somewhere. People who are career sectarians
> don't know it. I've been in that headspace where all around you are a host of Marxist
> "enemies", and not potential comrades. So be it he thinks this political. I forward
> this (and this is the last thing I forward from Meyers) so no one worry about what is
> being hidden from them. After that, I am asking Yoshie and Mine that we end
> discussion of the whole matter. We may not yet, but I hope so. Johannes was right
> about one thing in his letter to the list, that being my inexperience. But I learn
> very fast.
> Good night,
> and to all who are getting as bored with this as I- thank you for your patience. All
> storms do indeed subside.
> Macdonald Stainsby,
> Co-Moderator,
> Leninist International
> And now the rant:
> ************
> Dear Owen and Johannes,
>             The banning of me and the suspension of Owen from L-I list is
> clear political anti-Leninist censorship. This is very obvious to anyone.
> Below is a response I just sent to Yoshie, who I do not know enough about, to
> write such a mail as this to you two.
> There are many such Marxist lists, and they are, in my opinion, the property
> of us all. I am going to use all these lists, and various other forums, to
> attack the injustice meted out to me and Owen. I do know how to use the
> internet to launch such a campaign - that is how ISWoR was built. But I would
> like the support of you both for this - and also I would like your opinions
> on the whole thing, before I begin.
> warm regards - Steve.
> Subj:   Yoshie - you are a moderator.
> Date:   17/01/01
> In a message dated 17/01/01 18:40:35 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> > Steve wrote:
> >
> >  >In particular Owen, your description of the KPRF as
> >  >more of a reactionary danger to the Russian working class than even
> Putin's
> >  >Kremlin, is very factual, considered and well thought out.
> >
> >  The above is a mistaken estimation of the balance of power,
> >  contradicted by the statement below:
> Owen wrote:
> >  >They do advocate a cleaner, more stable and properly
> >  >functioning capitalist system; but Putin has stolen their thunder in this
> >  >respect with a concerted attempt to stabilise Russian capitalism, with
> >  >certain measures against sections of the oligarchy and a policy of firm
> >  >centralisation, as well as severe measures against the Russian
> proletariat,
> >  >with a new Labour Code straight out of Tsarist law books.
> >
> >  Yoshie
> Yoshie,
>       Because I actually do consider the CPRF red-browns, and the RKRP to be
> objectively red-brown - and there is much evidence to point so - I cannot
> answer you on L-I. I know that Johannes does not agree with a life-ban or any
> ban by Macdonald, against me - and you are both moderators. Were you a
> participant in all this?
> And this nonsense that Owen should be banned for 2 weeks "until he cools
> down" - but he has not even got a little warm?! He put out one good document,
> that is all. It is because he politically disagree's with the narrow
> political line of one or two moderators.
> Are you going to stand for this? No one can hardly think that referring to an
> 'old goat' against someone who patronisingly tries to dismiss Owen as "al
> lad, 16", is flaming - Macdonald is clearly censoring serious Marxist
> arguments. I am a Leninist and proud of it! I also think Trotsky was the
> greatest revolutionary leader after Lenin in the last century. Every day,
> through International Solidarity with Workers in Russia, which I co-founded,
> I do practical work in support of actually existing workers' struggles. Last
> summer I organised and drove the only Russian Marxist Duma Deputy around
> Britian and Europe - a deputy who is a leader of workers' struggles and of
> the Zaschita union.
> This will not stop here - in a few days a campaign will be launched. L-I list
> moderators are going to have to answer for this - and I think you and
> Johannes should get it reversed asap - because your names are being dragged
> through the mud here, not mine at all.
> regards - Steve
> ps - you say of my praise of Owen's piece that
> >> >  The above is a mistaken estimation of the balance of power,
> >  contradicted by the statement below: <<
> No mistake - the KPRF is the biggest political and social organisation in
> Russia. It will long outlive Putin, even though it is in decay. If the
> material base of the existence of classic Stalinism is the bureaucracy, ie a
> caste ruling over and eating away the workers' state (which they destroyed in
> the end) - and now that this material base is gone, they are objectively
> playing the role of the destroyed middle-classes, the petty-bourgeoisie in
> Germany after 1929, who made up the organising social base of fascism.
> *Snip* due to operating of L-I scanning material.
> -------------------------------------------
> Macdonald Stainsby
> Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.
> http://lists.wwpublish.com/mailman/listinfo/rad-green
> ----
> Leninist-International: Building bridges within Marxism in the tradition of V.I.
> Lenin.
> http://lists.wwpublish.com/mailman/listinfo/leninist-international
> ----
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Mine Aysen Doyran
Ph.D Student
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SUNY at Albany
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