>...I think it would be more useful if Svetlana informed the list about
>the activities of her organisation in Samara...

Well, I shall tell the members of the list about my organisation`s activity
and not only in Samara because Interregional Association of the Workers
Trade Union "Defense of Labor" is All-Russian trade union. I suppose it is
interesting for our Western comrades therefore I shall detail the story.

The Workers trade union "Defense" (at present "Defense of Labor") has been
acting since 1992, it has organizations in 45 regions of Russia and numbers
nearly 4000 members now.

Many Russian leftists develope trade union "Defense" which differs from old,
so called "official" trade unions (FNPR), head by  Shmakov that the
membership of representatives of administration is forbidden in "Defense"
therefore it can really and rezolutely fight for labour rights of workers.
The second difference is absence of bureaucracy in our trade union because
all organisations as a rule are head by three co-chairmen with equal powers,
realizing leadership in turn. And the third difference is that trade union
"Defense" does not limit its activity only by economic requests, and puts
forward also political anticapitalist ones.

The advanced edge of working movement today is Astrakhan organization of
"Defense". There our comrades have ramified web of workers organizations,
acting at 50 plants of the Astrakhan area. Astrakhan "Defense" achieves
significant successes - payment of the multimonth delayed salary,
restoration of comrades illegally dismissed from plants,  realization of
checks of finansical activity of the enterprises including of labour
collective (factory "Astrakhanpromstroi"), removal of the gone too far
directors, prevention of liquidation of the enterprises (factory SpetsGBI),
pay rise (for example, last summer the workers of all lift companies of
Astrakhan, who total are members of "Defence", have achieved removal of the
director of the company RUS OTIS, and also the pay rising on 70% by meanse
of threat of strike and negotiations with the Moscow representative of
italian centre of this international firm, in all three enterprices were
made the collective agreements).

"Defence" uses radical methods of struggle (blocking of streets, office
buildings, occuping of the plants), on which workers are compelled to go
because of multimonth delay of the salary, intentions of administration to
close the plants or to carry out mass dismissals etc. This is the fourth
distinguishing feature of our organisation.

No wonder, that such activity does not bring pleasure to authorities and
directors of plants. Eight active workers of Astrakhan "Defence",  including
the co-chairman of Astrakhan "Defence" at present the deputy of the State
Duma of Russian Federation Oleg Shein, were subjected to attacks.

In March of 1999 Oleg Maksakov, one of the best and most talented workers
leaders was cowardly murdered by gunshots in the back at the age of 36 by
criminals paid by the Russian bourgeoisie. He was the beloved leader of
Astrakhan proletariat, the Co-chairman of the regional branch of the Trade
Union Alliance "Zashchita Truda/ Defense of Labor".  He was the organizer of
all mass actions of the protest and participated together with Oleg Shein in
investigation of financial frauds of the directors of the enterprises.

Oleg Maksakov`s photo you can find at

On Web-page of "Defence" you will find an information about actions of
"Defence" in different cities - Moscow, Astrakhan, Samara, Ufa.

For example, in Moscow at the bearing factory the organization of "Defense"
numbering only 23 workers has achieved through court holding by
administration of the request of acting Labour Code about granting
additional leave to the workers occupied in harmful working conditions - for
all workers of the factory.

There is the large organization of "Defense" (1200 workers and engineers) at
federal nuclear centre in Arzamas-16, where our comrades achieved conclusion
the progressive collective agreement with administration without any
discrimination in comparison with old trade union.

The most remarkable and succesful action organized by trade union "Defense"
took place in September, 2000 Ç. in Astrakhan where the radical labor leader
and the deputy of the State Duma Oleg Shein with 200 hundred chemical
workers and local communities have been blocked the highway
Astrakhan-Aksaraisk leading to the huge gas processing plant during 5 days.
They demanded from the regional government to stop the deadly contamination
of the working class  settlements by the giant gas monopoly Gazprom and to
provide their families with housing in safe areas.

And at the end of a 5-day long, round-the clock highway blockade they won
the complete victory. Firstly the communal tariffs (rent and rates) were cut
in half. And also, the workers had now 320 homes, 20 to be provided within
weeks, the rest during 2001. Allocation of all the  homes was to be under
complete control of the new "community soviets". There was no charges,
arrests, nor wage deductions for any of the actions taken by the Gazprom
workers or anyone else in connection with the 5 day blockade in according to
the agreement signed by regional authorities, director of Gazprom and
"community soviets"

The active workers of "Defence", passing school of strike struggle grow in
understanding of political problems step by step.
In different cities the active workers of "Defense" issue the newspapers and
newsletters, in which they write about necessity of class organization of
the workers and political struggle for socializm alongside with trade union

The trade union "Defense" is the initiator of campaign against the
governmental draft of the Labour Code introduced in the State Duma in 1998
and now being supported by president Putin.

If adopted, this Labor Code will destroy the legal foundations of trade
union activities on the job and will close all legal venues for defending
the rights of workers. Independent workers' organizations the Alliance of
Trade Unions "Defense" and others - capable of combating the bourgeoisie
will be liquidated. This defeat of Russian workers will have grave
consequences for the outcome of the working class struggles all over the

"Defense" has been fighting against this Labor Code draft for the last four
years and so far we have managed to prevent it from passing. We have
organized the All-Russian Campaign in Defense of the Labor Code as a vehicle
for a nationwide mobilization of the working class.

On May 17, the Committee organized a Day of United Actions with the
following demands:  "No - to the Government's Labor Code, Short-Time
Contracts, and the Arbitrariness of "Owners" and Bureaucrats!"  "Yes - to
the Control of Workers' Collectives in the Enterprise!"  That day, in spite
of the unusually cold weather and snow, approximately 300,000 workers across
Russia participated in protests against this vicious attack on their rights.

The whistles of docks and ports in Vladivostok, Vostochni, Nakhodka,
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Magadan, Archangelsk, Murmansk and Novorossiisk.
At Yasnogorsk machine-building plant, whose courageous workers  became
famous when their long militant occupation strike won unprecedented gains,
3500 workers stopped working. In Kursk and Vladivostok, demonstrations were
held despite being banned by the authorities.

The key problem now is to break the information blockade organized by the
Russian Government around this issue, to expose this criminal conspiracy
against the people, and provide as much visibility to our  Campaign as
possible. To this end we have established a special web site. To make
information about our Campaign more accessible to the foreign  readers, our
site has pages in English, German, and Spanish, as well as in Russian:

In a counterbalance to the governmental draft of the Labour Code trade union
"Defense" and Fund of  Workers Academy have developed the alternate draft of
the Labour Code, expanding the right of the workers. This draft was
introduced into the State Duma in 1998 by the deputy Avaliani and now is
supported by the leader of trade union "Defense" the deputy of State Duma
Oleg Shein. Hundreds letters and cables from labour collectives in support
of this draft of Labour Code (KZoT) were sent to the State Duma.

As I am not only a co-chairwomen of Samara branch of Russian Association of
the Workers Trade Union "Defense of Labor", but
the secretary of "Defense of Labor" to international relations and
organizing solidarity actions, I participated at the VII International
Conference of Labour Unions in Geneva on June, 11,  2000 and made  the
report "The Russian Government Plans to Abolish Fundamental Labor Rights":
http://www.geocities.com/rosskommuna/kzot/eng.html  ("news"),

The Conference sent telegram to Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian
Federation, and to the State Duma, signed by trade union leaders of  40

Tens of thousands of people participated in the All-Russian Action against
governmental Labour Code on December 1, organized by the Coordinating
Commitee ("Defense" is a member of it). Picketing and meetings in large
cities took placed, the trade union of the dockers has carried out
ten-minute stopping of work in all sea ports of Russia.

The consideration of Labour Cod drafts by the State Duma was postponed since
December 21, 2000  for March, 2001. More difficult struggle is in store.
Therefore international solidarity with Russian workers, international
pressure on Russian authorities is very important for our struggle.

As to Samara, our organization of trade union "Defense of labour" with my
personal participation organized strike with a demand of payment of the
salary delayed on nine months at the aerodrome of airplan factory. The
workers and engineers redfused to fulfil takeoff and landing of airplanes
despite of threats of using of police against them and have been blocking a
take-off and landing band to not permit to break the strike. It ended with
payment of money.

At the Samara metal plant we had been preventing for half a year mass
dismissal of 1000 workers by means of meetings, picketing of regional
authorities, cancellations of some illegal orders about lowering the salary.
"Defense" achieved the payment of fixed indemnification while dismissial.

On machine-building plant named after Tarasov the trade union "Defense"
realized several successful strikes with demand to pay delayed salary, now
workers get it regularly. At this factory we regularly distribute the
newspapares with materials, which should promote development of class
self-consciousness of the workers.

In Samara on May, 17, the Day of All-Russian action in defense of acting
Labour Code the trade union "Defense" organized meeting in industrial region
of Samara. 12000 copies of newspapers with revealing the antilabour policy
of government and bourgeois class nature of present state, which try to
abolish basic labour rights were distributed at large industrial plants in

On December 1, we realized picketing of the office of the deputy of the
State Duma Mrs. Lekareva with demand to not vote for three antilabour drafts
of Labour Code. Models of these three drafts were burnt down in public.

Now I would like to ask Mark Johnes: please, tell us about your practical
activity in Great Britain, where you live, if I am not mistaken.

Best wishes,
Svetlana Baiborodova

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