[typos corrected! Eyesight not what it was]

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2001 23:51
Subject: RE: [L-I] To moderators from Russia - Activity of the Workers
Trade Union "Defense"

Svetlana Baiborodova:
> Well, I shall tell the members of the list about my organisation`s activity
> and not only in Samara because Interregional Association of the Workers
> Trade Union "Defense of Labor" is All-Russian trade union. I suppose it is
> interesting for our Western comrades therefore I shall detail the story.

I am grateful to you for this.  I hope that this is only the beginning of our
dialogue and of your participation on L-I.

As for my own work, which you asked me about, it goes back a number of years. The
first active role I played in the peace movement was in 1961, when I organised 2
buses of people from Lancashire, who participated in the Aldermaston CND march.  I
was lucky enough to meet Bertrand Russell and also Dora Russell on that occasion. I
attended every subsequent CND march. I became a communist at that time.

I have continued to be active in the workers' and revolutionary movement from that
time. I lived in the USSR from 1987 until the mid-1990s. Now I am semi-retired, and
not in good health. But my faith in the Russian working class is not more or less
than it was.  I wrote two books about the Soviet Union, "Moscow in World War 2"
(Chatto + Windus 1985) and "Storming the Heavens" (Pluto Press, 1987). The latter
book is about the Great October Revolution.

If you would like to more about what I am now doing, some of my recent writings are
collected at:


If you would like to know more, please write to me offlist at

Let me say once more, and from the heart, Svetlana Baiborodova, that I am very glad
of the participation of revolutionary Russian workers on this elist.

Best wishes

Mark Jones

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