Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

> >Exactly who on the left has associated
> >themselves with this cult other than Doug Henwood?
> >
> >Louis Proyect
> >Should we discredit Thomas Deichmann & his article "The Picture that
> Fooled the World," for instance, because he published it in LM,
> though he also published it in _NATO in the Balkans_?  Should we also
> dismiss everything that Jared Israel has said, because he cited the
> article in LM (e.g.
> <http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~richardj/Docs/a_truly_heroic_resistance.htm>),

There is a fine difference between "citing" and "defending". You are
endlessly trying to save  the reputation of  LM, whereas others are not.


> decried the miscarriage of justice in the libel suit against it (at
> <http://www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/of.htm.), etc., even
> though he later criticized LM & Deichmann's legal defense strategies
> (at <http://www.emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/missing.htm>)?
> Try to keep an open mind.  There is no necessity to dismiss anything
> & everything published by James Heartfield & LM in order to remain
> critical of their views on feminism, the environment, etc.  The same
> goes for any other author or publication.  One culls useful info
> everywhere it appears, including works by bourgeois journalists,
> scientists, government employees, etc.
> Yoshie
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Mine Aysen Doyran
Ph.D Student
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SUNY at Albany
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