Hi VO crew,

As you remember, about a month or two ago we all came to the
conclusion that we'd taken a Vim-based outliner as far as we could,
and what was needed was to start a brand new project to make an
outliner that could do all the features everyone is clamoring for, but
that are impossible in a Vim based outliner.

We agreed that VimOutliner would remain pretty much as-is, for those
times when you just need an ultra-fast authoring outliner, and that
when more features were needed, a person would use the new, feature-
filled outliner. There would be converters going both ways so one
could start with one and then transition to the other (typically
starting with VO to take advantage of outlining speed, and then
transitioning to the new one to take advantage of features).

I've been talking with Edward Ream of the Leo project about the
possibility of Leo filling the need for that new outliner. But of
course, I know next to nothing about the GTD and other extensions many
of you want, so I have no idea whether Leo is/can-be-made-to-be the
editor of our dreams.

What would be great is if you guys could also join the Leo GoogleGroup
to continue the discussion of whether Leo would fit our needs, and if
so, what features to add/change. Joining is as simple as going to
http://groups.google.com/group/leo-editor/ and clicking the "join"
link on the right.



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